After a tumultuous confirmation process, the United States Senate has confirmed Brett Kavanaugh as the next justice of the Supreme Court by a 50-48 vote. He is the second of President Trump’s nominees to be confirmed to the court, joining Justice Neil Gorsuch on the bench.
According to, “Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska was the lone Republican to break with her party… but she voted ‘present’ out of respect for Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., who didn’t attend the vote because he was at his daughter’s wedding. The ‘pairing’ kept the margin at a razor-thin difference of two.”
In addition, Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, broke ranks and voted to confirm Kavanaugh. Senator Susan Collins of Maine — a pro-choice, Planned Parenthood-supporting Republican — gave a 45-minute speech yesterday, discussing in depth the reasons she planned to vote to confirm. According to UPI, “Susan Rice, national security adviser to President Barack Obama, tweeted she would consider challenging Collins in 2020, saying she was deeply disappointed in Collins’ vote.”
As Live Action president Lila Rose stated at the time of Kavanaugh’s nomination, it is pro-lifers’ “hope that with Brett Kavanaugh, the court ensures that our very first right, the right to life, will be protected by our laws rather than trampled by them. The right to life is the foundation for all other human rights – without it, no other rights can be enjoyed.”
READ: Harvard Law Journal concludes the preborn child is a constitutional person
During the confirmation process, Judge Kavanaugh was accused by some senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee (senators who receive campaign funding from the abortion industry) of calling all birth control “abortion-inducing drugs,” when in actuality, he was stating a plaintiff’s position. Sen. Kamala Harris, part of that panel, came under fire for tweeting out a video that edited out the context of Kavanaugh’s full comments. In addition, Sen. Dianne Feinstein made the erroneous claim during the hearings that up to 1.2 million women died from illegal abortion before Roe v. Wade, attempting to make her case that Roe actually saves lives. In truth, since Roe, more than 60 million preborn children have been killed in the name of “choice.”
Just this week, Planned Parenthood appeared to tweet out threats against any senator who would vote to confirm Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh is a Catholic and is said to be a Constitutional originalist. As previously reported by Live Action News’ Nancy Flanders, “He sided with Priests for Life in the contraception case of Priests for Life v. The Department of Health and Human Services,” and “famously and temporarily barred a pregnant 17-year-old illegal immigrant from receiving an abortion.” Despite these things, some of his statements in these cases and others have given conservatives some cause for concern.
Now that he has been confirmed, pro-lifers remain hopeful that Brett Kavanaugh will be a conservative pro-life voice on the Supreme Court, helping to preserve the lives of the most vulnerable human beings in America.