ARLINGTON, VA (March 15, 2016) – Statement from Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, on today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on late-term abortions:
“While physicians who testified today repeatedly referenced the science of fetal pain at 20 weeks, most of the abortion lobby’s witnesses wouldn’t address the issue. The abortion industry is indifferent to the fact that it is inflicting horrific pain upon — and ultimately killing — children who can feel pain and who have the potential to survive outside the womb.
“Many babies born at 22 weeks gestation can survive, and the survival rate increases dramatically with each passing week of gestation. Yet these children are routinely killed in abortion facilities across America. When asked about helping children born alive through botched abortions, the abortion lobby’s witnesses testified that getting them medical help shouldn’t be automatic, it should be up to the mother and her abortionist – a clear violation of federal law, the Hippocratic oath, and every concept of humanity.
“Today, America clearly saw the abortion industry’s agenda: abortion on demand up until the day before birth, and babies who are accidentally born during an abortion should be left to die if that’s what the mother and abortionist choose. In poll after poll, a majority of Americans reject this disgusting position and believe abortion should be restricted at least after 20 weeks.
“No civilized society should tolerate such cruelty and brutality toward helpless preborn infants.”
Undercover footage from late-term abortion facilities:
In 2013, Live Action’s undercover investigation into America’s late-term abortion industry showed abortionists lying to women about how developed their children were in the womb and admitting they were willing to not give required medical assistance to children born alive through botched abortions:
Washington, D.C.’s Washington Surgi-Clinic. Abortionist Cesare Santangelo promises that if a baby is born alive, he “would not help it.” Video:
Phoenix, AZ, Family Planning Associates. Dr. Mercer and the clinic counselor both assure our investigator that “they will not resuscitate” if her baby is born alive. Video:
Bronx, NY, Dr. Emily’s Women’s Center. A clinician promises if the baby is born alive, he will be drowned in a specimen container. Video:
Investigation overview video (7:35 minutes):