A bill to immediately defund Planned Parenthood been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and in the Senate. Not only that, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is fast-tracking the Senate bill, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act, on Friday.
The Hill reports that:
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell started a fast-track process Friday on legislation to strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding in the wake of two controversial videos showing officials discussing delivery of fetal parts.The Republican leader began “Rule 14,” which will let the legislation skip the committee process and be placed on the Senate calendar so it can be brought up for a floor vote.
Both the House version of the bill, introduced by Representative Diane Black (R-TN) and the Senate bill, introduced by presidential candidate Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Senator James Lankford (R-OK), would take effect immediately and prevent Planned Parenthood from receiving taxpayer funds for a year while the abortion giant is investigated.
The Center for Medical Progress has now released two videos (with up to a dozen more to come) showing top Planned Parenthood executives discussing their fetal parts business. In light of the shocking videos, congressional investigations have been called, Dr. Deborah Nucatola from the first video has been ordered to appear before Congress, and the Department of Justice has said it will review the matter. The White House, on the other hand, continues to defend Planned Parenthood – without so much as watching the videos.
Senator Paul and another presidential candidate, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), as well as Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), have all been working to bring the defunding Planned Parenthood bill to a vote. The Hill also reported that the senators hoped to attach the vote to a highway bill, though that has been blocked.
However, Senator McConnell’s procedure move should ensure that the legislation will be voted on quickly.
It would certainly be in the taxpayers’ best interest to defund Planned Parenthood forever, but perhaps even those who would not vote in favor of a permanent bill may still be swayed to defund the abortion giant while it is investigated for the illegal and gruesome activity of harvesting and selling fetal organs. Indeed, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) has voted against defunding Planned Parenthood in the past, but signed a letter with 49 other senators day ago asking that the Department of Health & Human Services review the matter.
With his pro-abortion mentality and his relationship with Planned Parenthood, it is almost guaranteed that President Barack Obama will veto any bill to defund Planned Parenthood. This especially seems likely with the Obama administration’s latest statements. Overriding a veto may be possible, however, especially if all public officials hear the calls of their constituents that we are tired of Planned Parenthood lying, breaking the law, and receiving our taxpayer dollars to do so.
The beginning of the end of Planned Parenthood’s heartless depravity may be upon as, as people across the political aisle, and across opinions on the abortion issue, have said that enough is enough.
- Sign the petition to defund Planned Parenthood here.
- Be sure to contact your own U.S. Senators and Representative, asking them to vote to immediately and completely defund Planned Parenthood.