Senator Mike Lee of Utah introduced a bill on January 9, 2020, to prevent abortions from being tax-deductible. The Abortion is Not Healthcare Act would amend Section 213 of the Internal Revenue Code and make expenses related to abortion ineligible for a medical expense deduction.
Currently, the IRS considers abortion to be “medical care,” which means taxpayers can include abortions as qualifying out-of-pocket medical expenses on their tax returns. Sen. Lee, along with sixteen co-sponsors of the Abortion is Not Healthcare Act — including Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), and others — believe that killing preborn children is not healthcare and therefore should not be tax-deductible.
READ: Pro-life doctors take on pro-abortion medical org: ‘Abortion is NOT healthcare’
Abortion, as can be seen in the video below, is not health care, as true health care has the goal of protecting, preserving, and healing human beings and not purposely killing them.
“The government should not offer tax benefits for a procedure that kills hundreds of thousands of unborn children each year, nor should taxpayers subsidize such practice,” said Sen. Lee. “This undermines the truth that all human beings have dignity and worth, and that the purpose of healthcare is to heal and care for them – not kill them. Our bill would end the preferential tax treatment of abortion and clarify that this gruesome practice is not healthcare.”
If passed and signed into law, the amendment would apply to taxable years beginning after the enactment date.
“We ought not endorse, in our laws or through our money, a practice that undermines the most important, humane principle of health care,” wrote Sen. Lee. “Americans – especially those in the womb – deserve better.”
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