It’s a known fact that D&E abortions are risky for women. Of course, these are the same abortions that rip babies limb from limb in their mothers’ wombs – the same ones that Kansas just banned.
But, far from banning D&E abortions, the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children at the University of Hawaii is planning to conduct experiments on minor girls with D&E abortions. According to Breitbart, here are the requirements for the experimental study:
[The experiment will be conducted on] pregnant girls and women…[who will] participate in second-trimester abortions to measure their bleeding during the operation, with and without antihemorrhagic drugs. According to the Clinical Trials website, run by the National Institutes of Health, participants must be at least 14 years old and 18-24 weeks pregnant.
Yes, 14 years old. A university’s medical center actually thinks it’s a good idea to experiment with letting very young teenage girls possibly bleed out during an abortion.
The University of Hawaii is working with the University of Washington and the Society of Family Planning in this experiment. The Society of Family Planning often participates in abortion experiments. This particular one tests the use of oxytocin during a D&E abortion, to see if blood loss can be stopped. However, some participants in the experiment will, of course, be denied oxytocin so its effect can be studied and measured.

D&E Abortion Procedure via NRLC.
The Christian Examiner explains:
Commonly used for second trimester abortions, the D&E method uses scissors or other instruments to rip apart an unborn baby while it is still in the womb, and then suctions out the various organs and dismembered parts. Typically medication is needed to reduce bleeding in the mother who undergoes this gruesome procedure.
In this study, researchers are performing “randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trials” to determine the affect of oxytocin’s routine use during a D&E.
Plainly stated, some patients receive oxytocin during the abortion to control bleeding while others do not.
And “some patients” are intended to include 14-year-old girls.
While a “postoperative care unit” is mentioned in the study description, it is not detailed how long the girls will be cared for, or followed up on. If they were to suffer complications, such as hemorrhaging, it is not known who they could seek care from, since this is not a typical medical setting.
Even the Society for Family Planning admits that hemorrhaging is the cause of the most abortion-related deaths in women in the second trimester of pregnancy:
Today, hemorrhage is the most common cause of abortion-related mortality in the second trimester, accounting for 33% and 40% of deaths following second-trimester induction termination and dilation and evacuation(D&E).
And yet, they are still asking for 14-year-old girls to participate in an experimental study that may cause – and fail to stop – hemorrhaging.
So much for caring for women. D&E abortions harm women – some irreparably – and cause the violent and cruel deaths of innocent children every day. It’s clear that, like all forms of abortion, D&E abortions need to stop.
Experimenting with them is pure insanity.