The Center for Medical Progress has released a new video showing abortionists and Planned Parenthood medical directors discussing specifically what they do during abortions. This time, however, it isn’t the full release – this video is just a preview, with more footage potentially to come.
UPDATE: YouTube removed the video on Thursday, but it can still be viewed here.
CMP investigators attended the 2014 and 2015 National Abortion Federation (NAF) conventions, and the footage they took is the material NAF has been trying to suppress in court for over a year now. In 2015, NAF, along with Planned Parenthood, filed an injunction blocking the release of any videos, claiming that the footage was “illegally” obtained. The injunction was granted and is currently being appealed.
The preview footage gives some hints as to why NAF wants to keep what goes on at the convention hidden from the public.
Planned Parenthood’s medical director in Michigan, Lisa Harris, states: “Given that we actually see the fetus the same way, and given that we might actually both agree that there’s violence in here. … Let’s just give them all the violence, it’s a person, it’s killing, let’s just give them all that.”
For background, NAF is an international trade organization made up of abortion providers, with Planned Parenthood making up a large portion of both membership and leadership. These conventions are, in essence, a “who’s who” of the abortion industry and are held each year in relative secrecy…until now.
This is the reality of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry – what they stand for, what they do, and why they must be stopped. Here are a few quotes from the video.
Lisa Harris, medical director of Planned Parenthood of Michigan:
Our stories don’t really have a place in a lot of pro-choice discourse and rhetoric, right? The heads that get stuck that we can’t get out. (laughter) The hemorrhages that we manage. You know, those are all parts of our experience. But there’s no real good place for us to share those.
Susan Robinson, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte abortionist:
The fetus is a tough little object, and taking it apart, I mean, taking it apart on day one is very difficult. …
You go in there, and you go, “Am I getting the uterus, or the fetus? Oh good, fetus. [stabbing sound effect] What have I got? Nothing. Let’s try again.”
Deborah Nucatola, senior director of medical services, Planned Parenthood Federation of America:
You know, sometimes she’ll tell me she wants a brain, and we’ll, you know, leave the calvarium in ’til last, and then try to basically take it, or actually, you know, catch everything, and even keep it separate from the rest of the tissue so it doesn’t get lost.
Uta Landy, founder of Consortium of Abortion Providers (CAPS), first executive director of NAF:
An eyeball just fell down into my lap, and that is gross! (laughter)
Stacey De-Lin, director of abortion services, Planned Parenthood of New York City:
But we certainly do intact D&Es (dilation and extraction). …
Ann Schutt-Aine, director of abortion services, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast:
If I’m doing a procedure, and I’m seeing that I’m in fear that it’s about to come to the umbilicus (navel), I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix, and pull off a leg or two, so it’s not PBA (partial-birth abortion).
Several of the abortion industry workers on the video appear to mention illegal activity. “Intact dilation and extraction,” for example, can actually be a partial-birth abortion – which is illegal federally and in many states. There are multiple comments about the selling of fetal organs for profits, to “increase revenues,” or to get a “financial incentive.”
It’s really no wonder that NAF is fighting tooth and nail to censor CMP, even though undercover investigations are common in journalism. These exact same tactics are applauded by none other than NAF itself – when they are used against pro-lifers and crisis pregnancy centers. The real issue here is that CMP has exposed NAF, Planned Parenthood, and the abortion industry and brought their secret abortion activities into the light.
While the abortion industry has tried, repeatedly, to weaken the credibility of the CMP videos, these videos have not been edited, tampered with, or faked – a conclusion that two independent forensic analyses also came to.
David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the two undercover investigators who uncovered the trafficking of human body parts in the abortion industry, have come under increasing attack. Most recently, they were charged with 15 felony counts of invasion of privacy in California, even though similarly corrupt prosecution tactics were tried in Texas and failed, with all charges in Texas against Daleiden and Merritt ultimately dismissed.
America deserves to know the truth – and NAF and Planned Parenthood should be very concerned about what else CMP has in the footage that hasn’t yet been released.
Live Action President Lila Rose released the following statement:
How can the country stand by while we commit these atrocities against our own children? Planned Parenthood and NAF abortionists laugh about heads getting stuck and casually discuss the dismemberment of babies, fully formed, at five and six months. Meanwhile, their public defenders in the media and their paid spokespeople claim that the group is committing no wrong, that they are a public health service.How long will we be blind to the brutal destruction of these vulnerable babies?
Federal law prohibits selling body parts, yet the new footage also reveals more haggling by Planned Parenthood executives. The searing injustice of our time is not the selling of those parts, but the fact that a ‘doctor’ can legally tear apart a fully formed baby, as long as that child remains in his or her mother’s womb.
To take a stand, join the effort to end the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood: