Human Interest

Sibling mourns the death of little brother, an abortion victim

The sibling of an aborted baby wrote the following:

When I was 18 my mother told me about her abortion… I was aghast, and said something cruel to her like, “how could you do something so terrible?” We let it drop and I forgot about it. But I had not really forgotten. I didn’t think about it consciously for years…

But years later, while driving:

Suddenly I found myself thinking about my little brother! I became disoriented and lost control of the car for a moment as I burst into tears having lost him. I was astounded by my reaction, but I couldn’t shake the sadness and longing to have known him.

Torre-Bueno A. Peace after Abortion (San Diego, California: Pimpernel Press, 1997) 70 – 71 from Elizabeth Ring-Cassidy and Ian Gentles. Women’s Health after Abortion: The Medical and Psychological Evidence Second Edition (Toronto, Canada: The deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research, 2003)


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