
Sign the petition to stop hate speech against those conceived in rape

Juda Myers petitionJuda Myers, founder of Choices4Life, discovered as an adult that she was conceived during a gang rape. Since meeting her birth mother and coming to terms with what happened, Juda has made it her mission to help rape victims and their children.

Because of Juda and Choices4Life, rape victims have been able to successfully find safe homes and raise their children. The group works hands on to help women – financially and emotionally – with the goal of educating the world about the value of each and every human life. It raises awareness of the multitudes of families living with sexual abuse. As Juda writes on the website:

God has a greater plan than shame.

Now Juda is asking for your help. She has started a petition to stop the prejudicial injustice against the rape-conceived and their mothers.

Abortion supporters often ask pro-lifers, “What about women who are raped? Should they be forced to carry a rapist’s baby?” Even some who consider themselves pro-life will say they are pro-life except in cases of rape.

Every baby is a gift, and every mother is precious...

Every baby is a gift, and every mother is precious…

Yet many rape victims choose to keep their children or choose to give birth and place their babies for adoption. They should not be shamed because of this. They made their choice for life and should be supported. Likewise, children born from rape should not be told by the government or by anyone that their lives have no value. Juda writes:

Women are traumatized by verbal and sometimes physical attacks because they want to give birth after rape. Derogatory comments should be intolerable because they cause deep and sometimes fatal results. Suicidal attempts are not uncommon because of this kind of bullying.

Stand up for rape victims and their children. Sign Juda’s petition and help stop the hate speech against these strong women and their beautiful babies. As of right now, there are 80 signatures; they are in need of 1,000.

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