Human Interest

WOW: Sisters welcome babies at the same hospital, on the same floor, hours apart


Two sisters “synced up,” said a Pennsylvania hospital, and gave birth to their precious baby boys on the same day… on the same floor… of the same hospital last month. Now these little cousins will grow up together on the same street, too!

On June 26, the two sisters, Monica Hogan and Michelle Hilferty, both welcomed their babies just hours apart at Lankenau Medical Center, part of Main Line Health, in Pennsylvania. These sisters live on the same street as well. Needless to say, their babies will be blessed with the experience of what could be an incredible bond throughout their lives.

“It’s just going to be exciting to see the friendships they make and the bond that they have,” Hilferty, one of the sisters, told CBS.


Hogan’s baby boy, named Ryan, arrived at 5:57 a.m., while Hilferty’s son Anthony was born at 8:50 p.m., just 15 hours apart. However, neither mom knew that they would be born on the same day. In fact, they had planned otherwise.

Hilferty had originally been planning an induction for a few days later and even went to the hospital to visit Hogan while she was in labor. “I had actually scheduled my induction for our due date that upcoming Friday,” she told CBS News. And after visiting the hospital to see her sister during her labor and delivery the night before, Hilferty did not expect to be back there the next day to give birth to her own son. 

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“It came on really strong and really fast, and we were at the hospital in less than an hour from when my contractions started,” Hilferty said.

Hogan added, “Then I started telling the nurses and whoever came in that, ‘Yeah, I think my sister is in triage’.”

Then a nurse decided to make a phone call and get the close sisters even closer. “She said, ‘Not only are you going to be on the 5th floor but we saved the room right next door,” Hilferty explained.

The sisters are looking forward to seeing their boys grow up together.

Another set of sisters — twins Rebecca and Christina — experienced a similar event recently. WellSpan Health shared on social media that Rebecca had an induction scheduled for May 23, and her sister decided to visit while she was in labor. But while she was visiting, Christina’s water broke… and her labor began, too. The sisters both gave birth two days later, on May 25.

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