Earlier this month, Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb signed into law a bill that would require doctors to report complications from abortion to the state. Women are not held responsible in any way for reporting complications; abortion is not being any further restricted than it was before the bill was passed. Yet none of that mattered to pro-abortion fanatics, who quickly began to misrepresent the bill and create a frenzy surrounding its passage.
Indiana Gov Eric Holcomb just passed a law that every time a woman seeks medical or psychological treatment she MUST be quizzed about past abortions. Failure to disclose past abortions can result in 6 months in jail and $1000 fine.
— ? Cathleen ? (@ItsMeCathi) March 26, 2018
This is why state legislatures matter so much.
We have to be competitive in:
every precinct
every district
every town
every city
every stateNew Indiana law requires all doctors to quiz women about their past abortions
(Yes. For real.)#TuesdayThoughtshttps://t.co/veVns1VF5A pic.twitter.com/yNRTxoWogO
— Holly Figueroa O’Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) March 27, 2018
OMFG. “A new state law directs Indiana doctors and hospitals to investigate every time a woman seeks treatment for a physical or psychological condition whether she previously had an abortion that is in any way connected to the ailment.” https://t.co/yhAAFmmzDW
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) March 27, 2018
If a woman goes to the doctor for insomnia and fails to fully disclose her abortion history, Indiana will SEND HER TO JAIL. Jesus. https://t.co/hc9P8WuBVg
— Max Burns (@themaxburns) March 27, 2018
New Indiana law requires doctors make women confess abortion history or go to jail https://t.co/mGehnkku7B
— Daily Kos (@dailykos) March 28, 2018
The abortion industry wasted no time taking advantage of the controversy, either.
Indiana’s latest bill mandating abortion info has NOTHING to do with patient safety or medicine. It’s a shameless government intrusion into patient-doctor relationships, meant to push ideology over women’s health. Abortions are safe procedures. Period. https://t.co/8evS4oowaX https://t.co/yWKdaJ9YNd
— Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) March 27, 2018
If doctors fail to report their patients’ abortion history to the state, they risk being charged with a Class B misdemeanor—and face a $1,000 fine or up to 180 days in prison. https://t.co/jVzz5poXax
— NARAL (@NARAL) March 28, 2018
The fury grew so much, that Snopes — a website dedicated to debunking rumors — chimed in. And, surprise! The abortion lobby lied. Again.
Here’s what the bill actually does, as explained by Snopes reporter Kim LaCapria.
“[T]he actual news underlying this claim reported that health care providers (not patients) would be subject to potential legal sanctions under the law if they did not attempt to elicit and report information about previous abortion complications from their patients,” she explained, excerpting an explanation of the bill. If a woman seeks treatment for a condition connected to complications from a previous abortion, the care provider is required to report it to the state. No patient identification must be submitted, but the doctor must include race, age, marital status, education level, and county and state of residence, the kind of abortion performed, the facility where the abortion was performed, and how many abortions the woman has had. The law also mandates annual inspections of abortion facilities.
This should, in theory, be uncontroversial. After all, we’re told time and again that abortion needs to be legal so women can avoid dangerous back-alley butchers. If there is no oversight for abortionists, then really, what’s the difference? And the details being requested are important; different abortion procedures carry different risks and having multiple abortions also increases various risks. And the fact that it’s so common-sense is likely why the abortion lobby is working overtime to misrepresent and incite anger over this bill; they work very hard to present abortion as being “safe”, even falsely claiming that it is “safer than childbirth“. But those complications exist, and they often go unreported; in Illinois alone, for example, a Chicago Tribune investigation found thousands of complications, including multiple deaths, that went unreported… in just one year.
Such blatant disregard for the well-being of women can have disastrous consequences. There is notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who has injured multiple patients and killed at least two. He’s still allowed to practice medicine, though. There’s Ron Virmani, the abortionist who said black babies need to be aborted because they are “ugly” and “potential murderers“. Another late-term abortionist, Warren Hern, likewise has botched abortions. There are countless cases.

Kermit Gosnell committed abortions on minorities, immigrants, and poor women in a “house of horrors” abortion facility. Babies at his facility were born alive and then killed with scissors. He was convicted of three counts of first-degree murder.
But the most egregious example of why these regulations are needed is none other than abortionist and serial killer Kermit Gosnell. For decades, Gosnell injured patients, infected them with sexually transmitted diseases, and killed multiple patients. And for decades, officials looked the other way. They ignored the patients whose uteruses were perforated; the women who had their fertility stolen from them by Gosnell’s butchery. They ignored flea-infested cats roaming his facility and ignored complaints, including tips that Gosnell was keeping the body parts of aborted babies as some kind of macabre trophies. They did not care that Gosnell’s facility was disgusting because stepping in might just keep women from being able to have abortions — and women having abortions is more important than their safety.
Let’s be honest here: these bills are being passed because they are needed. It’s not good enough to simply let the abortion industry self-regulate; countless women have already been injured or killed that way. Abortionists must be held accountable for the carnage they cause. And that the abortion industry opposes this is a chilling sign of where their priorities lie — and they’re not with women.