Last month on November 29, Carly Fiorina dared to speak the truth about the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal on Fox News:
The vast majority of Americans agree, what Planned Parenthood is doing is wrong. That’s why the vast majority of Americans are prepared not only to defund Planned Parenthood, but also to stop abortion for any reason at all after five months.
This evidently enraged pro-abortion extremist Amanda Marcotte. Citing the Washington Post Fact Checker, Marcotte declared that every single one of Fiorina’s claims in that small snippet were not only untrue, but “toxic”…
Carly Fiorina, in particular, has fallen from her peak moment as the surprisingly smooth purveyor of bull***t that she came across in the first two debates, and now seems only to remain in the race so we can admire how much the veins on her neck stick out when she’s called out for her relentless abuse of basic truths about reproductive health care and Planned Parenthood. But her lies go beyond just factually incorrect statements. Fiorina is trying to sell a narrative about American attitudes on reproductive rights and sexuality that simply has no relationship to reality.
… Fact Checker took each of these sentences in turn and found that all of them are untrue. No polling data shows Americans supporting a blanket ban on abortion after 20 weeks, as most polls only ask about bans that have exceptions for things like rape or the health of the mother. Reliable polls show Americans support federal funding of Planned Parenthood, and the only poll that shows otherwise was an opt-in internet poll. Assuming that what Fiorina meant by “what Planned Parenthood is doing” refers to fetal tissue donations, once again we find that Fiorina just plain is lying — even with a Fox News poll that primed respondents with the word “disturbing,” they couldn’t get half, much less the “vast majority” of respondents to agree that it should be stopped.
Well, Amanda Marcotte might want to brace herself. Maybe she should get her favorite fainting chair ready, because — guess what? Much of what Carly Fiorina said was true.
After The Center for Medical Progress released its series of videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s illegal sales of the body parts of aborted babies, Americans’ view of Planned Parenthood changed drastically. It became more negative than ever before, while the number of Americans who view Planned Parenthood “very favorably” is at its lowest point ever. Marcotte and her horde of sycophants in the abortion lobby may not want to admit it, but Planned Parenthood is not the beloved organization it once was.
Why would Americans suddenly have a drastically more negative view of Planned Parenthood than ever before? Well, maybe because the abortion giant is indeed breaking the law by selling the body parts of aborted babies. They even admitted, on video, to breaking federal law. The videos revealed that Planned Parenthood kills infants born alive after abortions, and then harvests their organs… because, you know, they can make a fair amount of income doing it. So that settles Fiorina’s claim about Planned Parenthood being guilty of doing wrong.
Americans also do, in fact, want to see Planned Parenthood defunded. The majority of Americans favor taking funding away from Planned Parenthood and redirecting it to comprehensive health care clinics… which, by the way, outnumber Planned Parenthood clinics by a margin of 20 to 1.
Finally, as to the question of late-term abortion, Americans favor banning late-term abortion by an extremely high margin — almost 2 to 1. Not only do the majority of Americans support banning late-term abortion, women support the ban in higher numbers than men do.
So, all in all, it seems that what Carly Fiorina said was, on the whole, accurate. And once again, Amanda Marcotte has let her pro-abortion fanaticism get in the way of the facts. We can only hope that one day, she and other pro-abortion ideologues finally come around to see and accept the truth.