Like most evil behavior, child sex trafficking happens mostly in secret places, behind closed doors, using dirty money. This secrecy paired with the general unthinkableness of sexual abuse of children has caused many to remain blissfully ignorant of the harrowing facts.
Tim Ballard discovered the growing problem of child sex trafficking as a Special Agent for the Department of Homeland Security, where he was assigned to the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force and deployed as an undercover operative for the U.S. Child Sex Tourism Jump Team.
The movie “Sound of Freedom” tells the story of how Ballard discovered the growing problem of pedophilic activity and was compelled to dedicate his life to saving children, exposing the criminal behavior of pedophiles, and ending the abuse. He founded the organization Operation Underground Railroad because he wanted to help the world see that“God’s children are not for sale,” which is the movie’s thematic refrain.
Meanwhile, the nation’s most profitable abortion corporation, Planned Parenthood, has been exposed for aiding sexual predators and perpetuating that injustice — for profit.
Live Action undercover investigations show Planned Parenthood employees neglecting to report cases where “sex work” is clearly involved, providing hidden abortions by telling minors (victims) to lie about their age so they can bypass parental consent, and even giving advice to predators on how to keep violating minors while they are recovering from an abortion procedure. One Planned Parenthood employee is heard telling actors posing as traffickers on camera that prostitutes recovering from abortion can do sexual activity from the “waist up.”
Abortion allows sexual abuse to perpetuate, and Planned Parenthood is a true accomplice in the criminal practices of pedophiles.
Slavery is often thought of as a dark practice of the past, but slavery in the form of human trafficking — particularly sex trafficking — is more prominent now than when slavery was legal. Around 40 million people are living in slavery, and many of them are children.
Why is this more of a problem now, and why are these tragic statistics not common knowledge?
Broadly speaking, sex trafficking is allowed to expand because abortion covers the tracks and erases the evidence of sexual pedophiles and rapists.
Technology use and social media pressure have undoubtedly been a major contributing factor as well. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that between 2009 and 2019, persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness increased by 40% in high school aged children alone. Young people are looking for validation online, which makes them easy prey for predators.
Domestic abuse plays another significant role. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “Although estimates vary, as many as 1 in 20 youth run away from home annually.”
Statistics show that, shockingly, one in six runaways will be approached by a human trafficker within the first 48 hours. One DeliverFund employee states, “Wherever I am, I can find you a human trafficker… Because it’s happening absolutely everywhere.”
Once again, the parallels between sex trafficking and abortion are not surprising, if only we take an honest look at the facts. Children are being bought and sold for sex right next to us in our own towns — and before they even draw their first breath, thousands are being killed daily at local abortion facilities as well.
Although technology and predatory use of social media has caused sex trafficking to rapidly expand, technology and media are also paving the way for the evils of sex trafficking to be exposed — quite powerfully through undercover investigations like Live Action’s and movies like “Sound of Freedom.”
Truth often becomes most obvious, ironically, by the attacks hurled against it. Mainstream media outlets such as The Guardian, Rolling Stone, and Vice are accusing the makers and actors of “Sound of Freedom” of having ties with the QAnon conspiracy theory.
“Sound of Freedom” producer Eduardo Verástegui responded to these accusations in an interview with Live Action president, Lila Rose. Verástegui states:
At least they’re showing their true colors, who they really are. Because if you are not going to be working together to save children, and you actually want to block the movie – they’re telling you who they are. Either they’re in fear, or they’re part of the problem.
Verástegui goes on to point out a powerful truth that applies to the problem of abortion as well:
It doesn’t matter if you’re left, right, up, down, center, you believe in God, you don’t believe in God… it doesn’t matter! This is beyond politics, this is beyond everything – this is about children.
What if this is your son? What if this is my son? Everyone… Adults… we are responsible for children. They are the future of the world. What kind of decisions are they going to be making in the future if today they are being hurt?
At least now these guys [in the media] are showing their faces, they are showing us who they are – and they are helping us with free marketing. […] Exactly because of people like them, people are tired, people are saying ‘enough is enough,’ ‘not on our watch,’ ‘God’s children are not for sale.’
Despite the media attacks, “Sound of Freedom” is experiencing resounding success at the box office.
When people learn the truth about abortion, they often change their minds and become pro-life. Not only do people change their minds, they want to get involved in creating positive change, so that no more babies are killed.
Verástegui again points out why activism against crimes like sex trafficking and abortion are essential when he says, “We need to be vigilant. Parents, I know that this is a very uncomfortable topic, but I want to make you uncomfortable, so you can wake up and you can protect your children.”
One thing is clear: Child sex trafficking and abortion are linked, and mainstream media refuses to address either one.
No child is safe from being killed or trafficked unless we stand up courageously and protect them.