
South Carolina advances bill to protect preborn babies after detectable heartbeat

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The South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee passed House Bill 3020, commonly known as a “heartbeat” bill, in a 4-3 vote on Tuesday. The bill seeks to ban abortions after a preborn child’s heartbeat can be detected, usually around six weeks gestation. Doctors who commit abortions after a heartbeat can be detected could face criminal charges.

There is no exception for so-called “fetal anomalies,” and state Sen. Richard Cash introduced an amendment to the bill to remove exceptions for rape and incest. That amendment was approved. There is, however, an exception that allows abortion in cases in which the mother’s life is at risk. In truth, it is never necessary to deliberately and intentionally kill a preborn child before delivering him or her when the mother’s life is in danger. The child can be removed more quickly and safely through an emergency C-section than an abortion, and when possible, doctors can work to save both mother and child.

Another piece to the bill is that it requires abortionists to not only check for a heartbeat, but to have the mother listen to it.

READ: Why has ‘heartbeat’ just become a ‘medically inaccurate’ term? Abortion.

“You are in fact killing an innocent human being,” Cash argued about babies conceived in rape according to The State newspaper. “Whether you mean to or not, you are punishing a person wrongfully for something he or she had nothing to do with.”

Democratic and pro-abortion presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg called the bill “scientifically and medically absurd – and morally repugnant.” However, science proves that life begins at fertilization, and killing innocent human beings because they were conceived in rape is viewed largely by pro-lifers as a direct act of discrimination.

The bill passed in the state House earlier this year in a 70-31 vote, and will now move to the full Senate Medical Affairs Committee, where it is expected to pass. It will then move to the Senate floor likely in January. It would then have to be sent back to the House for approval before heading to the desk of Gov. Henry McMaster, who has said he will sign the bill into law.

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