
Spain considers approving assisted death for people with mental illness

euthanasia, vegetative state, pregnancy

According to reports, Spain’s Ministry of Health has met with the nation’s autonomous communities to discuss updating the Manual of Good Practices on Euthanasia to include mental illness as a reason for requesting assisted death.

The draft version of the Organic Law on the Regulation of Euthanasia (LORE) states that euthanasia “does not include mental illness, allowing people with an unbearable suffering due to the presence of mental illness to request the Aid to Dying Benefit (PAM) on equal terms with those whose suffering comes from a somatic illness.”

Although it states that a mental health evaluation would be required for anyone seeking assisted death for mental health reasons, it also notes that the evaluation would seek to “identify those people who could benefit from” euthanasia — as if death were a treatment for mental illness.

As was the case in other nations that have legalized assisted death with restrictions, Spain has been lifting restrictions to help more and more people commit suicide since it was first legalized in 2021. In 2023, Spain’s euthanasia law was altered to remove the conscience protections in place for pharmacists that allowed them to refuse to prepare the deadly drugs.

READ: Woman becomes Spain’s first parliamentarian with Down syndrome

People can request euthanasia for mental illness in the Netherlands and Belgium currently, and Canada has been discussing adding mental health to its Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) law as well. That plan was delayed in 2023 to “make sure the system is trained.” The Canadian government now plans to add mental illness to MAiD in 2027.

Even the United Nations Human Rights Council has criticized the use of assisted death for people with mental illness. “A fair and just society cares for its most vulnerable,” said Giorgio Mazzoli, UN legal officer for ADF International in Geneva, in 2022. He continued:

International law protects everyone’s inherent right to life and requires countries to protect the dignity and lives of all people, rather than help to end them. Sadly, over the years, we have seen Belgium’s euthanasia law spiral out of control. In one case, the life of a 23-year-old female was tragically ended by euthanasia due to her battle with mental health issues.

There is nothing progressive about a government that refuses to provide care and support to those who need it most…. [B]ring an end to euthanasia and redirect resources into improving palliative care for those reaching the natural end of their lives.

In addition to adding mental illness as a reason to request euthanasia, nations that have legalized physician-assisted death have lifted other restrictions as well, including in the Netherlands and Belgium, where children are being euthanized.

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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