Human Interest

Special Delivery: Fed-Ex mails Frozen Embryos, Couple gets a big surprise!

early abortion, first trimester, aborted

According to the “Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program” there are over 600,000 frozen embryos in storage in the United States and hundreds of thousands more worldwide. Many people are choosing Embryo Adoption as a new way to expand their families while saving the lives of embryos who if not adopted, could be destroyed.

A recent CNN video, reported on Luke and Joni Timm, an Alaskan couple who decided to adopt embryos. The Timm’s have three biological children but they knew they wanted to adopt since they were married. One day Luke who serves as a Pastor received a unusual prayer request. A couple was asking for prayer concerning an embryo adoption.  Luke was surprised, he wasn’t aware leftover embryos from in vitro fertilization’s could be adopted. Luke and Joni filled out the paperwork and their frozen embryos arrived through Fed-Ex.

Luke told CNN, “And you better believe I tracked them. They stayed overnight in Tennessee”.

Research shows only 12-15% of embryos survive this process. That information lead the Timm’s to implant two. When they had an ultrasound the doctor shocked them with the news that both embryos took and one split. Their family had doubled overnight with three children growing inside of Joni’s womb.

The babies are healthy and the Timm’s are thrilled.” Perinatologist Dr. Neil Mandsager said. “This situation, you know the parent gets to enjoy the complete experience of pregnancy.

Luke told CNN, “We are probably looking at going with the bus. We’re just going to buy a bus.” He also remarked , “I am honored that somebody’s entrusted us with this.”

Rod Stoddart of Nightlight Christian adoptions has this to say about embryo adoptions- “An embryo is not an egg, not sperm, it’s a baby. “It’s a baby at it’s very earliest stage of development… and destroying it is the same as abortion.”

If your interested in embryo adoptions, check out the Embryo Adoption Awareness Center’s website. According to their site one of the benefits of embryo adoption is, “embryo adoption allows the adopting family to begin the adoption journey nine months earlier with pregnancy and childbirth”. The website is full of helpful facts, information on clinics parent’s can visit and personal stories of those who’ve successfully adopted embryos. The stories of mom’s who’ve suffered infertility and miscarriages yet carried on to have kids through embryo adoptions are heartwarming. If you think embryo adoption is right for you, there are people who can help make your families dreams come true.

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