According to Fox News, a watchdog group focused on experiments using animals has filed a complaint with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) accusing Stanford University of failing to disclose taxpayer funding it used for disturbing and unethical research utilizing human tissue — including fingers from preborn babies as old as 20 weeks.
The White Coat Waste Project (WCW) claims that Stanford used fingers from aborted babies and other tissue to regenerate human cartilage on mice. Though WCW did not state in its complaint the number of federal dollars spent on the experiment, it alleges that Stanford violated the Stevens Amendment, a law that requires press releases and other announcements regarding “the percentage and dollar amount of the total costs of the program or project funded with federal money.” It says that Stanford Medical School’s news center failed to report those numbers as required.
Fox News said that when asked about the press release, Stanford said it only specifies dollar amounts in stories concerning the actual grants. “Stanford Medicine does not cite grant funding amounts in any press releases unless the news is about the grant itself,” said spokesperson Julie Greicius.
READ: Biden-Harris HHS to allow taxpayer-funded research using aborted children, eliminates ethics board
For the controversial experiments, researchers tried to regenerate cartilage and identify a skeletal stem cell by implanting the human tissue into mice. The tissue was acquired from StemExpress, the tissue procurement company that made headlines for its involvement in the Planned Parenthood fetal body part trafficking scandal of 2015. An undercover investigation by the Center for Medical Progress revealed Planned Parenthood’s participation in the sales of aborted fetal body parts.
“Fourteen human fetal samples were obtained from StemExpress (Folsom, CA) and shipped overnight,” one of the study papers states. “Samples ranged in age from 10 to 20 weeks of gestation with no restrictions on race or gender.”
Babies born as young as 21 weeks are capable of surviving outside the womb with medical assistance, and CMP’s investigation revealed that when fetal tissue is to be used for research, the baby must be healthy and could not have been killed with the aid of a feticide. At this stage in pregnancy, the most common form of abortion is a D&E dismemberment abortion in which the limbs are torn from the body and the skull is crushed. Without feticide, the child is alive while this barbaric and inhumane act is committed.
“Federal agencies shouldn’t be wasting millions of our taxpayer dollars for grotesque, violent and unnecessary human fetal tissue experiments on animals,” said Democrats for Life president Terrisa Bukovinac.
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) introduced the COST Act to impose penalties for failing to disclose the amount of taxpayer money used in federally funded experiments. Ernst called Stanford’s experiments “unethical” and said that taxpayers “have a right to know exactly how their hard-earned dollars are being spent….”
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