
Statement by Lila Rose on HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell's refusal to view Planned Parenthood report

July 28, 2015: “It is an alarming dereliction of duty that the Secretary of Health and Human Services refuses to view investigative reports that clearly demonstrate that Planned Parenthood, who receives close to half a billion taxpayer dollars a year from the federal government, is engaged in the selling and trafficking of aborted baby body parts for profit. What is she earning a government paycheck to do if not to consider the human atrocities taking place on her’s and President Obama’s watch? Ms. Burwell is so caught up in her radical, pro-abortion partisanship that she will not even review these inhuman and horrific practices taking place at Planned Parenthood clinics that she oversees through taxpayer subsidies. Ms. Burwell should be investigating Planned Parenthood, not covering for them.”

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