
Statement by Lila Rose on Planned Parenthood's suit of Center for Medical Progress

Statement by Lila Rose on Planned Parenthood’s suit of Center for Medical Progress

ARLINGTON, VA (January 14, 2016) – Funded with billions of our tax dollars, Planned Parenthood has shamelessly announced today that it is suing a brave young activist and some of his friends. This small group of people have done an incredible service to America, exposing the unspeakable horrors in the back rooms of abortion facilities: the slicing apart of tiny bodies, freshly aborted — some as old as six months — in order to extract their parts for money.

Half of Americans identify as pro-life, and the U.S. Congress has just voted to stop the forced taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood — only to be blocked by Planned Parenthood’s friend in the White House, President Obama, who received over $12 million from the abortion chain during his re-election campaign.

Today’s announcement shows that Planned Parenthood is desperate, knowing that its taxpayer funding may disappear with a new president in 2017. Just as it crushes the bodies of preborn children in its facilities, Planned Parenthood is now seeking to crush any dissent towards its crimes against humanity. Planned Parenthood’s abortion operations are not above the law. It is time for every American of good conscience to stand up and decry Planned Parenthood. May its arrogance and barbaric practices lead to its downfall.

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