
Statement by Lila Rose on Scott Swirling

Statement by Lila Rose on Scott Swirling

Statement by Lila Rose, president of Live Action concerning the arrest of former director of the pro abortion National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association Scott Richard Swirling:

Abortion advocate Scott Swirling, former director of National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association, was recently caught in an undercover sting operation by D.C. police and has been arrested for trying to solicit sex with a twelve-year-old girl. This is yet another tragic example of the tie between abortion and the exploitation of young girls. The National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA), Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organizations have demonstrated their complicity with child sexual abuse and should be investigated, not funded by hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars. Live Action calls for investigative action and the immediate and total removal of government funds from all abortion industry initiatives.

To learn more about this story, click here.

Media contact:
Peter Robbio, CRC Public Relations

Released: January 10th, 2013

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