
Statement by Lila Rose on showing of Live Action videos at Congressional hearing

Statement by Lila Rose on showing of Live Action videos at Congressional hearing

October 8, 2015: “Live Action’s “Inhuman” and “Profits from Pain” investigative videos shown at the House hearing today once again shattered the myth that the abortion industry cares about women’s health.  Abortion facilities are more than willing to collect thousands of dollars for late-term abortions and then let women go through labor by themselves, delivering their dead babies in hotel room toilets with no medical assistance whatsoever.

“Even a former manager of two Planned Parenthood facilities testified today that the abortion giant views its clients’ bodies as ‘profit centers’ and took in millions of taxpayer dollars through Medicaid fraud, asked low-income women to pay for their visits even though Medicaid was already paying for them, and used the discovery of a baby killed by its mother and left in a recycling center as a fundraising opportunity.  America’s largest abortion corporation is more interested in making money than in the health and safety of its clients.

“Today’s damning testimony and video footage lead the American people to ask, why are we being forced to fund the abortion industry with hundreds of millions of our tax dollars every year?”

The House Judiciary Committee played a shortened clip from two Live Action undercover investigative videos, “Inhuman” and “Profits from Pain.”

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