Today Live Action President Lila Rose released the following statement following the news of the death of the 29-year-old woman at the hands of late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart:

Leroy Carhart
While his twenty-nine-year-old patient and her eight-month-old baby were dying horribly, late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart skipped town, leaving the hospital and the young woman’s family desperate for answers. Carhart himself is busy whitewashing and promoting his grisly work through a Hollywood film. So how many women and children are killed by abortionists like Carhart without our ever knowing, their deaths covered up by pro-abortion physicians?
Not only does Carhart’s violent work literally tear women from their children, but it also divides women against themselves; they suffer and mourn for their lost children, yet they are all the while told by Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion entities that they have no good reason to grieve.
Lila Rose
These tragic and unnecessary deaths underline what Live Action has detailed again and again: abortion is not safe – for anyone. Women who understand what these horrible abortions entail do not want them. And those women who are lied to and misled about these “procedures” deserve to know exactly what Big Abortion – and their abortion bosses like Carhart – seek to do to them.
Women deserve better than abortion. Help protect women and their babies from the violence of abortion. Watch and share Live Action Advocate’s investigative video, “Is it safe?”