
Statement by Lila Rose, president of Live Action, on 10th video in baby parts scandal

Statement by Lila Rose, president of Live Action, on 10th video in baby parts scandal

September 15, 2015: The newest video by Center for Medical Progress shows at what length Planned Parenthood executives will go to cover up the illegal harvesting of and profiting from baby parts. Multiple executives also discuss the public relations nightmare should these illegal practices become public. The nightmare is a reality, and along with continuing its multiple investigations into the abortion giant, Congress should immediately stop funneling over half a billion taxpayer dollars into Planned Parenthood and instead redirect the money to the over 13,000 community health centers that provide comprehensive healthcare to women. American taxpayers must not be forced to fund Planned Parenthood’s abortion empire and its many abuses, including the illegal profiting from the sale of baby body parts and the horrific practice of allowing infants that are born alive to die so their organs can be harvested. Congress should also ignore the several discredited claims Planned Parenthood’s president has made in her attempt to cover up these abuses.”

Background: Planned Parenthood admits baby parts sales can make ‘a fair amount of income’

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