
Statement by Lila Rose, president of Live Action, on Senate failure to pass the Pain Capable bill

Statement by Lila Rose, president of Live Action, on Senate failure to pass the Pain Capable bill

September 15, 2015: Today’s ​failure of the ​Senate ​to pass ​a ​law preventing most ​abortion​s after babies are old enough to feel pain is beyond belief. It should sicken every American that our elected leaders refuse to protect the most vulnerable in our society, even when science has proven that at ​just ​20 weeks​ old, child​ren​ in the womb can feel the intense pain of the abortionists’ tools tearing their​ arms and legs from their bodies. Every senator who voted against this legislation is telling the public loud and clear that he supports the barbaric, horrific practice of tearing limb from torso and poisoning to death five month, seven month and even eight month old babies in the womb.

Live Action has investigated and uncovered ​the inhumanity of Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers, ​especially in our “Inhuman” investigation, which documents several abortion facilities willing to let babies born alive gasp for air until they die. ​We have all spent the last several months watching ​the evidence from videos ​from the Center for Medical Progress ​showing ​Planned Parenthood​ officials admitting ​that abortions after 20 weeks are prevalent in today’s ​abortion clinics.​ ​ ​While Planned Parenthood pursues profits in committing late-term abortions, it is shameful for our society and our elected leaders ​turn a blind eye to the injustice and inhumanity of these procedures and ​to continue to ignore science ​and ignore the dignity of the human person.

As​ ​we move toward a budget deadline of September 30, I urge Congress, especially those influenced by the abortion lobby, to face the facts and realize that our country is at a turning point in our history. While the Senate has not voted to protect the lives of the preborn at 20 weeks and beyond today, we still must fight to redirect a half billion dollars of taxpayer money away from abortion giant Planned Parenthood​ to the over 13,500 federally qualified health centers that provide comprehensive health care to women and their children.

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