Statement from Live Action president Lila Rose:
Too many parents are totally unaware of what their children are being exposed to in school, but when publicly funded deeply disturbing and problematic sex-ed curricula are exposed, parents are outraged. There’s a clear difference of opinion surfacing between parents on the one side and government-run schools on the other. The people on one side want to protect their own children from harm, while the other side seems to want to push extremely inappropriate sexual activity and a radical ideology on others’ kids.
Another taxpayer-funded entity taking part in this harmful behavior is Planned Parenthood, a self-vaunted “sex educator” nationwide. We know from Live Action’s investigations into Planned Parenthood facilities across the country that America’s number-one abortion corporation not only is perfectly accepting of materials like this, but also promotes bondage, physical abuse, and pseudo-sexual defecation even to underage children. Parents aren’t powerless – and many are getting involved now on the community level to kick these fake “sex educators” out of our schools.
For more on this story, read here, here, and here.