Rock icon Stevie Nicks is applauding hip-hop star Lizzo for promoting abortion at the 2022 People’s Choice Awards.
Last week, Lizzo was the People’s Champion award winner, one of the event’s most coveted awards, which was presented by her mother. Essence reports that Lizzo spoke about how she has hoped her celebrity status would make a difference. “I’m here tonight because to be an icon isn’t about how long you’ve had your platform. Being an icon is what you do with that platform. And ever since the beginning of my career, I’ve used my platform to amplify marginalized voices. So tonight, I am sharing this honor.”
She then shared the award with numerous pro-abortion activists — including Amelia Bonow, the co-founder of “Shout Your Abortion.” Bonow, Lizzo excitedly announced, “is working to normalize abortion, increase awareness of abortion pills and motivate people to work and support abortion access in their communities.” She also honored Emiliana Guereca, president and founder of the Women’s March Foundation — an event which has typically been hostile and unwelcoming toward pro-life women, even telling a pregnant pro-lifer that they would “want to kill myself” if they were her child.
Lizzo previously signed on with Planned Parenthood in a campaign to raise money for the abortion giant in 2019.
While many of the women Lizzo honored were activists looking to empower women, and women of color in particular, abortion is not empowering. It is a violent act that takes a human life, and hurts women as well. Encouraging women to believe that their only choice in difficult circumstances is to have an abortion, and “normalizing” the killing of one’s own children, is not empowering for women.
After the award ceremony, Nicks praised Lizzo for her “beautiful display.” In a note on Instagram, she wrote,
I was so impressed and so touched that you put that together and pulled it off. It was stunning and everyone heard you. You have given all women soundbites forever – flute player, singer, songwriter and future politician? Your name is in the stars now.
Nicks herself has spoken out about having had an abortion, claiming her band Fleetwood Mac would not have existed if she had given birth instead. She had previously admitted that her Fleetwood Mac song “Sara” was about the child she aborted.
Women today are often coerced into abortions by their partners or family members, while still more feel pressured by their employers or their educational institutions. Nicks is a prime example; there is no reason she had to have an abortion to continue excelling as a singer-songwriter. The fact that she felt she could not succeed as both a mother and a musician is a heartbreaking tragedy. Instead of fighting to prevent other women from feeling trapped, she is encouraging the availability of abortion, as if eliminating one’s own child is the best solution to a difficult situation.
Both Lizzo and Stevie Nicks have had incredible careers, defined by their talent. But by advocating for abortion, they are hurting not only themselves, but countless other women who do not have their money and privilege. After all, if even a celebrity thinks she can’t handle a child and a career, then what hope would a low-income woman who already has children have? These are the lies the abortion industry tells women, when women everywhere should demand more. No one should ever have to feel that they have to choose between their child and their career, their education, and their future.