Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the guest author.
In my conversations on flights to and from my speaking engagements I am occasionally asked by fellow passengers what kind of work I do. I have an answer everyone loves regardless of what side of the abortion debate they are on: “Well, I’m in the human rights business and I advocate for human equality.” As you might imagine, this answer always meets with approval. But the conversation often gets interesting when I follow up by explaining that I advocate for the most oppressed and targeted people group in our nation, the preborn.
The fact is, contrary to the often-repeated claim that pro-lifers are hypocritical bigots, we are the real guardians of human dignity and equality. This truth was evident during a conversation I had several years ago at the University of Florida. I was on the campus with members of the pro-life ministry Created Equal to engage students in dialogue about abortion. These opportunities almost always result in meaningful and productive conversations, and this day was no exception.
On this morning, a small group of pro-abortion students had come looking for a fight. Their ringleader was a 20ish looking student who angrily pointed his finger in my face and demanded, “I’m gay and I want to know, if the babies you’re here trying to save are gay babies do you still want to save them?” It was clear by the pleased look on this young man’s face that he felt confident he had just landed a knock-out punch.
To engage on the abortion issue, I chose not to dispute his premise (namely, that homosexuality is genetic) and responded matter-of-factly, “Yes, absolutely I want to save them.”
My response left the student looking both surprised and disappointed. He assumed – even hoped – that although I oppose abortion, I would happily make an exception when it comes to aborting “gay babies.” So I continued, “Now let me ask you the same question: if the babies I’m trying to save are ‘gay babies,’ as you say, are you willing to join me in my effort to save them?” to which he reflexively responded, “No.” So, I pressed him with the obvious follow-up question, “Well then, who is the real friend of gay babies, you or me? I want them to live, and you don’t care if they die.” The wind was effectively out of his sails, as his lack of response communicated.
This telling exchange demonstrates just how quickly those on the left will abandon their own – even to a gruesome death – to remain true to the script that has been crafted for them by the dictatorial abortion lobby, a script that demands “abortion on demand and without apologies.” This exchange also demonstrates that it is our deeply held conviction that every human being deserves to be loved and protected which renders us the real champions of all babies, regardless of what adjective one uses to describe them.
And you can be sure of this: if a “gay gene” is ever found, it will be pro-life Christians who will fight to save these babies from the unforgiving jaws of the abortionist’s sopher clamp. In contrast, we can count on the abortion lobby to challenge our efforts to save them, just as they have challenged laws prohibiting the targeted killing of preborn children based on race, sex, and genetic anomalies.
The hardness of calloused hearts is plainly revealed when virtue-signaling abortion supporters would rather that the groups they claim to champion be dismembered and killed – that fatal discrimination be permitted – than admit that abortion is a grave moral injustice, regardless of who it kills.
Mike Spencer is the president of the pro-life organization, Project LifeVoice, and the author of “Humanly Speaking: the Evil of Abortion, the Silence of the Church, and the Grace of God.”