
Student group recruits ‘abortion pill doulas’ with goal of ‘unpacking stigmas’

abortion doulas

A student group located on the campus of George Washington University is recruiting fellow students to be trained as abortion doulas, described by the group as someone who “provides support to someone having an abortion” on campus.

The “Abortion Support Collective” initiative was launched by student organization GW Reproductive Autonomy and Gender Equity (GW RAGE), according to Maddy Niziolek, president of GW RAGE, whose LinkedIn page shows she is also on staff with Catholics for Choice and Advocates for Youth as an ‘Abortion Out Loud’ organizer as well as a former intern with Planned Parenthood North Central States.

The student organization has partnered with DC Doulas for Choice Collective to conduct the training.

Student group GW RAGE recruits Abortion Doulas

Student group GW RAGE recruits Abortion Doulas

Niziolek told The GW Hatchet that her group was hoping to recruit up to 20 applicants and that they had plans to recruit additional abortion doulas sometime in the future. The plan was, as the student paper described it, for these student abortion doulas to “fill a gap in doula care for people having abortions via the abortion pill.”

Applicants, the student newspaper claimed, would become familiar “with the abortion pill process and the skills to emotionally support individuals getting an abortion that will unpack stigmas surrounding the procedure,” the paper stated.

Women experiencing the abortion pill are describing horrific accounts of seeing their own aborted children floating in the toilet after taking the drugs at home.

Live Action’s I Saw My Baby website details this gruesome fallout and a newly published Live Action white paper details the ongoing way that the abortion industry flouts safety regulations put in place by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and reveals how the abortion pill’s money trail leads to conflicts of interest on safety claims.

In addition to seeing the baby, women are reporting intense pain from taking the drug regimen which typically consists of mifepristone and misoprostol. Live Action News previously documented an observational study conducted at two centers in Bologna, Italy, which found that 40% of women experienced severe pain when undergoing chemical (abortion pill) abortions.

DC Doulas for Choice Collective

DC Doulas for Choice Collective claims on their website to provide “[abortion] doula support to people accessing abortion care at Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, DC and Falls Church Healthcare Center.” They were described by The GW Hatchet as having “offered abortion doula services in the District since its opening in 2011.”

DC Abortion Doulas

DC Abortion Doulas

“We’re not trained medical professionals, so we can’t provide abortion care to students, but historically we’ve done a lot of advocacy for abortion on campus, working to train students to be organizers for an abortion, and abortion justice,” Niziolek told

Student group GW RAGE recruits Abortion Doulas insta

Student group GW RAGE recruits Abortion Doulas insta

“We are hoping that someday we will offer medication abortions in the Student Health Center,” Niziolek said. “We’ve been working towards that and working with the health center to quicken the referral process and to make more explicit services for students.”

Planned Parenthood Abortion Doulas

In addition to DC Doulas for Choice Collective, Niziolek pointed to “two nearby clinics, Planned Parenthood and Dupont Clinic” which also “trained abortion doulas for clinical abortions,” the student newspaper stated.

“Planned Parenthood introduced their abortion doula program in July, who provide an extra level of emotional support and care during the process of an abortion, per Planned Parenthood’s website,” wrote.

“[T]he abortion doula training is formalized education on how to address any needs or difficult emotions that might come up during the abortion process,” Planned Parenthood’s website states.

Dupont Abortion Doulas

The Dupont clinic is known for committing abortions into the third trimester of pregnancy.

In the video below, abortion doula Daisy Orellana describes the abortion procedure at Dupont.

“On day one… we do the first part of the procedure which is an injection… stopping the fetal heart rate, which can be a lot for some people,” she claimed.

“On day two, we do dilators that we place into the cervix, it helps to be opened up a little more… We just make them as cozy as possible,” she said. “On day three, you have an induction of labor basically.”

At this stage of the pregnancy, the baby has a better chance of survival outside the womb but rather than allow the child the chance at life, abortion facilities like Dupont are profiting from their deaths.

Orellana claimed her role as an abortion doula was to allow for “continuity of care” and that she would be able to build trust between the abortion client and the abortionist paid to end the life of that baby.


While these abortion doulas may deceive themselves that they are somehow providing a compassionate service, the truth is that they are far from compassionate, and are instead complicit in the violent death of an innocent preborn child.

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