Human Rights

Students for Life of Michigan activism and training conference starts April 5

Making a new generation of pro-life leaders.

Students for Life of Michigan is holding its annual “Activism & Training Conference” from Friday, April 5 to Saturday, April 6, 2013. This activism and training event is the only statewide conference in Michigan for pro-life college students. Students are gathering from campuses all across Michigan to hear powerful messages from pro-life leaders.

SFLA-MichiganStudents for Life of Michigan is an organization of pro-life college students, established to promote a culture of life on college campuses in Michigan. Their mission is to end abortion by recruiting and training students for pro-life leadership, networking students within their communities to strengthen their impact, and recruiting and training students for pro-life leadership.

The activism and training weekend gives pro-life students a time to come together for education, networking, and fellowship. Students will get to meet local pro-life speakers and link up with organizations that support their pro-life work on campus.

The 2013 conference will feature pro-life leaders from Michigan, including activist and author Dr. Monica Miller; Legislative Director for Right to Life of Michigan Ed Rivet; Jenny Klein from Bethany Christian Services; Christen Houck, the executive director of Students for Life of Michigan; and Brendon O’Morchoe, field director for Students for life of America.

Students attending the conference will also receive valuable pro-life training from attorney and speaker Rebecca Kiessling and David Haker, an attorney at Alliance Defending Freedom.


Via Students for Life of Michigan

The conference kicks off Friday night with a pizza dinner and pro-life activism at Grand Valley State’s University campus. Saturday’s event schedule begins with a morning prayer protest and sidewalk-counseling at a Planned Parenthood in Grand Rapids, MI. The rest of the day is filled with talks and informative breakout sessions. Breakout session topics include “Know your Rights on Campus,” “The Rape Exception,” “Apologetics Training,” and a discussion panel for club presidents.

The conference will offer lots of pro-life literature and resources for college groups. There are even prizes for groups who bring the most students. In an article describing the conference, Students for Life of Michigan writes:

You will learn how to defeat Planned Parenthood, legally stand up against campus administrators that try to silence you, and defend your beliefs against the most difficult pro-abortion arguments. This is a great way to engage new members of your group and help even the most seasoned members learn more about abortion.

For conference fees and registration, click here. If you would like to sponsor a student to attend the event by making a donation, click here. Students for Life of Michigan gives this statement in regards to outside donations:

We offer pro-life businesses, churches, elected officials, leaders, and organizations the ability to sponsor our conference. Conference sponsors will be identified on all communications publicizing the conference and on all conference materials. Please contact us for more information.

If you can’t attend the conference or give a donation, you can always pray for the pro-life students of Michigan to be bold voices proclaiming truth and bright lights shining in the darkness of society.

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