“We need folks running for office who put women’s health ahead of politics,” Planned Parenthood’s president Cecile Richards said when asked if Wendy Davis should run for governor of Texas.
If Wendy Davis is fighting so hard for abortions to be allowed at 20 weeks, I’m not sure how much she cares about women’s health. As Live Action President Lila Rose put it, “[r]ight now, in many cases across the country, it’s easier to be an abortionist than it is to run a daycare center.” Further, “[a]s exposed by our Inhuman video series, so many abortion centers throughout our nation currently do not have emergency medical arrangements with local hospitals or other urgent care facilities. No matter where you stand on the issue of abortion, this sort of laxity and disregard for women’s health is outrageous and unacceptable.”
In a weak attempt to take back the reins after last night’s pro-life rally, which held thousands in attendance, Richards and her loyal pro-abort followers led a small gathering of orange shirts in front of the Texas state capitol.
“This was not a large crowd of pro-aborts today,” Alexa Coombs, Students for Life Director of External Relations said. “These people are not standing for our generation or Texans. The majority of Texans are pro-life. This was a great event to counter-protest at.”
Also dressed in orange were Students for Life members holding up pro-life signs – some went undercover to talk with pro-aborts and to hand out The Planned Parenthood Project cards to them, others to confuse the media.
“One of the [orange] families that took the cards were raising them up in the crowd, they didn’t even know what they were for,” Eivi Widas, a supporter of Students for Life, said.
‘They [Texan women]’ve had enough of selfish, ideological leaders who have replaced public service with desires for personal advancement,” Wendy Davis claimed.
If anything, the pro-life bill (HB 2) states that it will protect the personal health of women, as well as the health of their five-month-old unborn babies, by shutting down abortion clinics which violate the federal health law. Rep. Jodie Laubenberg argued in the House floor debate that the bill’s focus needs to be more on the fact that an unborn baby is able to feel pain at 20 weeks.
Laubenberg went on to explain how a sharp instrument is inserted into a women’s uterus to poke and prod at the five-month-old unborn child growing inside her, puncturing the women’s uterus in the process.