
Students for Life rolls into Austin on Sunday with a bus full of students to #Stand4Life

Taking action!


Pro-life students gather at an SFLA conference in January 2013.

In the face of the pro-abortion mob, whose disruption prevented the majority vote in favor of Texas’s pro-life omnibus bill from passing before midnight on the closing day of a special session, Texas – and the nation – have stood up together to say that we will not be bullied by a law-breaking pro-abortion stampede. Texas’s stalwart pro-life governor, Rick Perry, called a second special session to address the will of the Texas people to pass the pro-life omnibus bill.

Pro-life organizations from all over the state have banded together in support, rallying at the capitol in peaceful support for the pro-life legislation. Pro-lifers all over the country have been tweeting with the hashtag #Stand4Life to show support for pro-life efforts in Texas. And now, national support becomes a reality as Students for Life of America begins its bus tour from Washington, D.C. all the way to the Texas capitol in Austin with a large group of staff and students to show pro-life Texans that we are not alone.

Inundated by requests from students across the country to go with Students for Life of America to Austin, SFLA responded by renting a full-size bus and plans to pick up registered students on their way to Austin. Pick-up locations include the SFLA’s headquarters city of Washington, D.C., as well as Nashville, Little Rock, and others. Students are able to circumvent the high cost of air travel by coming with Students for Life of America, which is fundraising to gather the funds they need for travel, in addition to collecting a small down payment from the student travelers.

Upon arrival, Students for Life of America and their bus full of college students will join the thousands of pro-life activists who have been rallying in Austin tirelessly in support of pre-born children who can feel pain. They will remain in Austin for a full week, staying with generous pro-life host families around Texas for the duration of their stay. To learn more about SFLA’s efforts in Austin, visit their website.

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