
Students for Life: Pro-life student educates classmates on preborn human development

first trimester, pro-life, abortion, Nebraska

A couple days later, the same teacher began a unit on fetal development and pregnancy. When she began talking about the development of the pre-born child, the [student] leader raised her hand and asked a simple question. She asked, “At what stage of development do most abortions take place at Planned Parenthood?”

The teacher responded with “three months.” To which the student replied, “can you show us a picture of that stage of development?”

The teacher quickly Googled a picture of a fetus at three months, and put it on the projector for the students to see.

At three months, the baby can suck her thumb, yawn, can have complex facial expressions, and you can tell if it’s a boy or a girl. It looks like a baby.

The class was in a silent shock when they saw the photo. The leader had everyone’s attention, even the pro-choice students.

The pro-life leader wasn’t done. She then asked the teacher, “Well, what’s not human about that baby?”

~ Kate Lodjic, Students for Life of America’s blog, May 11, 2017

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