This is a clip from an episode of Life Report called “Practical Resources for Highschool and College Students.” In this episode I interviewed Casey Vroman, Regional Coordinator for Students for Life of America.
In this clip, we asked Casey about Students for Life of America’s long-term goals in the pro-life movement.
Click the embedded video and it will start at the right place in the interview. This particular topic ends at 13:22.
If you don’t want to watch the video, you can read the full transcript below.
Casey Vroman: So we are a group that focuses on equipping these students — having them take the movement and what they want it to look like on their campus and just making sure that they’re successful. So it’s really great because I get to go in and say, “What do you want this to look like on your campus and how can I make that happen for you?” And it’s pretty amazing what they come up with.
Gabi Vehrs: That’s really exciting. So where do you think Students for Life is going to take their part of the pro-life movement? What is their long-term goal with campus clubs and what they want to see happen?
Casey Vroman: Well, that’s a big question. I mean, we want to abolish abortion. What we ses is that the younger generation is more pro-life than any generation before. And we understand that as these students move up through high school, through college — that if we understand the pro-life movement as high schoolers, it can only increase as you grow and develop even further in your education.
And so our goal would be to get students across the nation more engaged. We’re currently on over 750 campuses — high school, colleges, junior colleges, medical and law schools. So the long-term goal would be banding together as a pro-life movement and having these students take that grassroots and just increase with that.
Gabi Vehrs: So what are some of the on-campus initiatives and campaigns that you guys are doing, like the Pregnant on Campus and Planned Parenthood Project that you guys have coming out?
Casey Vroman: Yes, we have some really awesome projects that we’re rolling out.
Our Pregnant on Campus is an initiative that we’ve now had for a while and the goal of Pregnant on Campus is to remove the stigma of being a student and a parent.
We see a lot of girls like you mentioned, Josh, that — when it comes down to finishing her education or have a child, she’ll abort to finish her education. I’ll begin talking to students about this and they’re like, “Well, we never see any pregnant girls on campus.” And I said, “Yeah, that’s because they’re aborting their children.”
So how can we make your campus more parent and family-friendly? Simple things. Adding diaper decks in bathrooms. You’ll go onto campus and you don’t see any pregnancy resources anywhere. It’s like the campuses weren’t made for children. So some of our groups have actually fundraised to get diaper decks installed on campus. We have a couple groups who have done a scholarship program so parenting mothers or fathers have to write in and are given a grant the next semester to buy books or whatnot.
We also have a group that started kind of a daycare and so people in the pro-life group take shifts on watching these parents’ children during class schedule because our goal is showing that you can be a parent and a student. That your life doesn’t end just because you’ve had a child. And I think that’s kind of what the secular world is telling them.
And then our Planned Parenthood Project is great. We rolled it out and did a test run in the South. And it went really well. We hit 13 campuses. It’s 915 pink crosses, which is the amount of abortions Planned Parenthood will do every day. And we have four pop-up banners. It’s really simple for us to move from campus to campus. But each banner exposes a different aspect of Planned Parenthood’s business plan, pretty much.
So faulty or low-grade contraceptives, the money aspect, how much money they’re making, how their goal is to sell abortions — later term, more money.
And how women can get real help — so we’ll have a banner that includes Pregnancy Resource Centers and other places they can find help in the community.
And then the third banner talks about their role on college campuses selling abortions. They’re a vendor for abortions.
Download Full Interview (MP3) | 00:28:00
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Special thanks to Kimberly Carmany for the transcription.