Students for Life of America or (SFLA) is a national pro-life organization dedicated to training and equipping high school, college, medical school, and law school students.
On Tuesday, October 1, 2013, a Students for Life team will be at the United States Capitol for a “National Pro-Life Student Lobby Day.”
SFLA has chosen this day because October 1 is the start date for American citizens to sign up for ObamaCare. Students for Life has taken a strong stand against ObamaCare. On their “Abortion Free Health Care” website, they write:
“You may not know that with Obamacare our tax-payer dollars, money from you and I, will be paying for abortions. Obamacare has a drawn a line in healthcare, and it is a line that we cannot cross”.
The Students for Life team is inviting pro-lifers to stand with them at the Capitol this Tuesday. There will be a training prior to their event. Those who attend will be given handouts and materials for lobbying. SFLA is asking those who want to attend to contact Beth O’Malley for logistics information by e-mailing her at or calling the office at (571-379-7261). They are also asking those coming to wear a blue t-shirt and meet at Union Station at 10am in front of West Hall.
Students for Life has also released a flyer titled “HOW YOU ARE FUNDING ABORTION, thanks to ObamaCare (ACA).” The brightly colored flyer has important information detailing how ObamaCare is connected to taxpayer-funded abortions.
Photo: Students for Life 2013 conference.
SFLA is urging pro-lifers to do two things. They are asking them to download, print, and distribute their flyer to every pro-lifer they know. They want to help educate others about what will happen when ObamaCare takes effect on January 1, 2014. Secondly, they want pro-lifers to send others to for information on contacting their congressmen and senators.
SFLA has created a sample e-mail concerned citizens can send to their House reps or senators. It reads:
I was shocked to find out that my taxpayer dollars will be used to fund abortions and potentially abortion-inducing, cancer-causing contraception in Obamacare as well as force employers of faith and conscience across the United States to do the same in their employee health insurance plans.
I implore you to please co-sponsor the “Health Care Conscience Rights Act” (HR 940 and SB 1204) and the “No Tax Payer Funding for Abortion Act” (HR 7 and SB 946) and include them in upcoming “must-pass” legislation.
The Students for Life of America organization is seriously committed to taking a stand for the rights of the unborn. One has to admire their unrelenting zeal and courage in the face of opposition. It’s refreshing to see the youth of America defending the lives of the most vulnerable among us. I won’t be in D.C., but my prayers are with these warriors.