
New study may offer women hope – not abortion – for severe pregnancy illness

euthanasia, vegetative state, pregnancy

For some women, illness during pregnancy becomes a debilitating, round-the-clock condition of nausea and vomiting for the duration of pregnancy. Known as hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), this condition can be life-threatening, and some women have to be hospitalized due to severe dehydration. HG is different from morning sickness, which is common during early pregnancy and is usually not debilitating. But a new study may offer hope to women suffering from the terrible condition.

High profile instances of HG, including the Duchess of Cambridge with each of her three pregnancies, and pro-abortion comedian Amy Schumer, have brought more awareness to the condition. But for many women suffering with HG, there are few options available for treatment. The condition only affects around 0.5-2% of pregnant women, so doctors are often not very familiar with the options, and dismiss women’s pleas for help as nothing more than typical morning sickness.

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According to a report from the BBC, in 2018, there were 36,000 pregnant women in the United Kingdom admitted to the hospital for severe sickness and dehydration. The BBC collected stories and information from 5,000 women, and found that most had considered abortion. A third had considered suicide.

The reason why some women experience HG is still unknown. Evidence suggests there is a genetic link, and women who have HG with one pregnancy are more likely to have it with subsequent pregnancies. The BBC reports that three hospitals in the United Kingdom are launching a four-year study of HG, the largest in the world to-date, in the hopes of finding more information about the causes of HG to aid in improving the treatment available. The study will collect blood samples and medical histories from at least 1,000 women with severe HG symptoms to examine genetic links and hormonal changes that could be contributing to the condition.

Sadly, abortionists continue to present killing the preborn child as a reasonable “treatment” for HG. Some mothers have undergone three or more abortions, after being told that the only way to “treat” their life-threatening condition is to end the life of their preborn child. As Live Action News has previously reported, there is hope and there is help for women suffering from this extreme version of morning sickness. Doctors who are experts in the treatment of HG can provide life-saving care for mother and child. Hopefully, the new research in the United Kingdom will lead to a better understanding of HG, and more widely available treatment for women suffering.

If you are currently experiencing HG, you can visit for support and help finding a specialist. Abortion is not a solution, and women deserve real treatment.

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