MIKE WALLACE: Do you believe in sin — When I say believe I don’t mean believe in committing sin do you believe there is such a thing as a sin?
SANGER: I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world–that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin — that people can — can commit.[ii]
Mike Wallace Interview with Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, 9/21/1957
The battle is heating up over whether or not the federal government should continue to fund Planned Parenthood (PP) with our tax dollars. There would be no debate if the full truth about Planned Parenthood were known. The truth is that PP:
- Uses their “sex education” programs to promote abortion and the idea of abortion, even to children as young as 5 years old,
- Promotes promiscuity and irresponsible sexual behaviors to children, teenagers, and those with AIDS,
- Promotes abortion and coerces women into having abortions over the options of parenthood and adoption, even when that requires lying about the facts of abortion.
- Promotes abortion as a method of eugenics to reduce the population, and specifically populations of those Planned Parenthood considers “undesirable.”
- Is willing to aid, abet, and advise those who sexually exploit and/or force children into sexual relationships.
The truth about Planned Parenthood is being revisited because in the last several weeks, shocking new video evidence of Planned Parenthood’s willingness to be complicit in the sexual slavery of underage girls has just been released.[iii]
Sex trafficking of minors is a Federal crime, punishable by imprisonment for 10 years to life.
– 18 U.S.C. 1591
Any person who aids, abets, or counsels a federal crime to be committed may be punished as if they had committed the crime themselves.
– 18 U.S.C. 2
In one video, the Planned Parenthood manager in NJ conspires with investigators posing as sex traffickers managing 14-15 year old sex slaves. She tells them how to get illegal abortions for the minor sex slaves, how to lie about the age of the girls, how to circumvent reporting requirements, how to use the girls in the sex trade while they are recovering from abortions, and how to facilitate bribes in exchange for expedited service, and dealing with any problems. A second video of a Planned Parenthood in Richmond Virginia, a third video of a PP in Falls Church VA, a fourth of a PP in Charlottesville VA, a fifth video of a PP in Roanoke VA, a sixth video of a PP in the Bronx, NY and a seventh audio of a PP in Washington DC all show PP employees advising the “pimps” on how to get PP services for the 14 to 17 year old prostitutes. Seven videos at seven different locations in three different states and Washington DC. The full length videos are on the website. Below are portions of the transcript from one of these videos.
Pimp: OK, Uhh so, we’re involved in sex work, alright, and there are some girls that we manage, that uh we’re not quite sure if I got it from one of them –
Pimp: Now the thing is, um, okay, so some of ‘em are like, eh, some of ‘em are young, they’re kind of like, something like 15, 14, and then some of them don’t speak any English.
PP: Uh, huh, ok
Pimp: You know, cause they’re not even from here, so it’s like — how can they come in
here? Cause it’s like, they don’t always feel comfortable coming into facilities.
PP: One, minors are always accepted without parental consent.
Pimp: Ok, ok
PP: The only thing you do have to be careful is if they are minor, we are obligated, if we hear any certain information…
PP: Yeah- 14, you know once they get to 15, then there’s a little bit more play room. So as long as they just lie and say, “Oh, he’s 15, 16….you know, as long as they don’t say 14, and as long as it’s not too much of an age gap, then we just kind of like, we just kind of play with it a little bit.
Pimp: What if they need an abortion though?
PP: Oh, that’s a com- that’s a completely different story now. No, no, now this is more -[crosstalk] If they come in for pregnancy testing — um, shit, at that point it still needs to be, you never got this from me, just to make all of our lives easier.
Pimp: OK
PP: If they’re 14 and under [circles clinic paper] just send them right there if they need an abortion, ok? [laughter]
Pimp: This is the spot? Okay!
Prostitute: Ok, will they ask questions or anything… will they need ID or something?
PP: They won’t need ID, them, they’re gonna be a little bit more different, but their protocols aren’t as strict as ours, and they don’t get audited the same way that we do, like with the [inaudible] (children?)
PP: Trust me, like; I use this like my Bible. [laughter, in audible] You get so many parents, [inaudible], I mean I understand where they’re coming from, but they’re like, “Oh, but she’s a minor” – ok, yeah, so? [laughter]
Prostitute: Yeah, but they still need to be seen
Pimp: Yeah, you know.
PP: exactly, you know she’s still entitled to care without mom knowing what the hell’s going on,
PP: Yeah, you know, and I’m the office manager here, so if you guys have any questions, just let me know. So for the most part, I’m usually the one doing most of the interviewing before they go back to the exam room.
Prostitute: Ok, great
Prostitute: And then, question, if it comes down that they do need an abortion, how long till they can be sexually active again?
PP: Aaaaoh, minimum two weeks, minimum two weeks.
Prostitute: Do you have any suggestions about what they could do in that time, like, cause they still need to work?
PP: Yeah, um, waist up.
Prostitute: Waist up?
PP: Waist up or just be that extra action walking by. Because then they’re at more risk for infection, and you don’t want to do that. So, and they can’t even wear tampons during that time period, so, yeah –
PP: Exactly, and you just kind of, so the whole thing is with me we already know, I see you, we already know we’re gonna kind of alter the story and kinda see what we can do to kinda tweak information.
Pimp: We might just need to uh, is there any way we could stream line this? Like, holla at you, slide you a little, you know, and you can just get em streamlined –
PP: We can solve – Depending on what the situation is, we might be able to do that.
Pimp: We could slide you like a $100, to just like uh, help us.
PP: And exactly, and then, I’m sure you guys are going to have a decent amount of money –
Pimp: Yeah, yeah –
PP: And the nurse practitioner will be like, said she’s stupid, but you know, at some point she’s going to be like “That car looks pretty fucking nice!”
Pimp: Yeah, I mean we could make this work for the both of us, I mean it’s like, I mean if you could fill out a number –
PP: Do, let me just find a pen…
With regard to these video’s PP has stated 1) the videos were selectively edited or doctored, 2) this was an isolated incident, 3) we are retraining all of our 11,000 staff to avoid this ever happening again, 4) we reported it to the authorities, and 5) we fired (at least one) the PP manager involved. Now it should be obvious that 1 and 2 and 4 are not consistent with 3 and 5. Why would they need to re-train staff and fire employees if the videos were doctored, of if it was only an isolated incident, or if they properly notified the authorities in a timely manner? As the videos were staggered in their release, it became impossible to say “isolated incident” with a straight face. As the entire videos are available for all to see, it is also impossible to argue that they were selectively edited. There have been no specific allegations about a particular video being doctored in any way, and it is apparent that this excuse is a red herring. Furthermore, Individual PP employees did not report these incidents to local authorities as is required by law. They reported the incidents more than a week after they occurred, and only after they discovered that this was an undercover investigation.[iv] The “we reported it” argument is also a red-herring that PP supporters can be quoted, but that has no basis in fact.[v] Former PP director Abbey Johnson confirmed that this type of thing happens all the time, in Planned Parenthoods all over the country: “It happens all the time, I let it happen.”[vi]
There should be no debate, federal taxpayer dollars should not be used to aid, abet, and counsel sex traffickers of 14-15 year old girls.
To comprehend such an organizational and systemic failure to protect young girls from their abusers, it is necessary to understand the culture envisioned by PP’ founder. Margaret Sanger’s solution to most of the world’s ills was preventing births. It was her ideology, it was her religion.
“[Our objective is] unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children…”[vii]
“The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”[viii]
“Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.”[ix]
“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…”[x]
“Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need … We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock.”[xi]
“Eugenics is … the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems.”[xii]
“The undeniably feeble-minded should, indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind.”[xiii]
“The third group [of society] are those irresponsible and reckless ones having little regard for the consequences of their acts, or whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers. Many of this group are diseased, feeble-minded, and are of the pauper element dependent upon the normal and fit members of society for their support. There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped”[xiv]
There is a dispute about the extent to which Sanger was racist, or merely didn’t want African American’s to have children because they coincidentally were among that class of unfortunates or undesirables who she believed to be poor and without hope for advancement. It is almost a distinction without a difference.[xv] For a short read that encapsulates Sanger’s twisted vision read the chapter The Materials of the New Race, beginning on page 30 from her book Woman and the new race,.[xvi] In it, she describes her complex quest for racial purity, her hyper-fear of overpopulation and scarce resources and her often misguided compassion based on an utterly bleak view of the individual’s capacity for self determination.
However, Sanger herself did not approve of abortion:
To each group we explained what contraception was; that abortion was the wrong way—no matter how early it was performed it was taking life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way—it took a little time, a little trouble, but was well worth while in the long run, because life had not yet begun.[xvii]
Planned Parenthood remains steadfast to the founder’s vision with regard to preventing births through contraception, yet ignores and vehemently opposes Sanger’s belief that abortion is the taking of a life. This is divergence of monstrous proportions. The true horror of Planned Parenthood appears to be that they have adopted the worst elements of Margaret Sanger’s vision, the goal of the elimination of “undesirables,” through the means of contraception, and then added the means of abortion – as the preferred method of achieving that goal.
Where Sanger promoted contraception as a means to care free sex, PP now promotes abortion as a means to care free sex. Where Sanger promoted contraception as a means to reduce the populations of the poor, feeble minded, and other weaker members of society to create a stronger race, PP now promotes abortion as a means to limit those populations.
While it seems inconceivable that any organization could hold such views in 2011, an unguarded moment by a powerful and well respected source re-stated those views in 2009. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader channeled Sanger in a July 2009 interview published in the New York Times Magazine:[xviii]
Justice Ginsberg: Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into abortions when they didn’t really want them…
These are not the words of a pro-life zealot conspiracy theorist; these are the words of a Supreme Court Justice. This is not a quote from 1921 or even 1972, it is a quote from 2009. It remains one of the more shameful omissions of the press that these statements were given very limited attention at the time.
There should be no debate, federal taxpayer dollars should not be used to promote abortion, much less to promote abortion as means of physical, mental, social, and racial eugenics.
What must be broadly exposed is the distinction between the stated purpose of Planned Parenthood to advocate for the woman’s right to choose and their actual purpose of promoting one choice – abortion – as aggressively as they can get away with.
There is no doubt that the concept of “choice” has been a winning slogan for the pro-choice movement. It was for Sanger as well. Agree or disagree, Sanger at least had a reasoned argument for a woman’s right to choose contraception. However, she also had a world view whereby contraception should be encouraged, and even forced onto certain members of the population, which had no grounding in reason, the American notion of liberty, or public sentiment. Today, PP Whitewashes Sanger’s unsavory world view when it pays homage to her battle for women’s rights: [xix]
Margaret Sanger (1883–1966)
Founder of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Margaret Sanger began her career as a nurse who fought to legalize birth control in order to prevent women from relying on dangerous, illegal, self-induced abortions. Sanger established the first birth control clinic in the U.S. in 1916. In 1948, she helped found the International Planned Parenthood Federation. In the 1950s, Sanger drove the research and development of the birth control pill. One of the world’s leading sex educators, Sanger convinced people around the world that they held these four basic human rights:
- A woman has a right to control her body.
- Everyone should be able to decide when or whether to have a child.
- Every child should be wanted and loved
- Women are as entitled as men to sexual pleasure and fulfillment.
In the same manner, Planned Parenthood’s outward mantra of a “right to choose”, or a woman’s “reproductive health,” only whitewashing their real agenda, because they know the public would never tolerate it.
How do they get away with it? A compliant media, quiet yet powerful supporters like Justice Ginsburg, and the use of taxpayer dollars to build political power. With a combined total of over $1,000,000.00, Planned Parenthood was the largest pro-choice donor to federal candidates and committees, and spent the most on lobbyists.[xx] Theoretically, PP does not use tax payer dollars to pay for abortions. In reality, all of PP’s operations feed their abortion business. Abbey Johnson left her position as a Director of Planned Parenthood after becoming disillusioned by the constant pressure to increase profits by performing more and more abortions:[xxi]
Every meeting that we had was, ‘We don’t have enough money, we don’t have enough money — we’ve got to keep these abortions coming, it’s a very lucrative business and that’s why they want to increase numbers.”
But wouldn’t more abortions occur if PP wasn’t there to hand out contraception?
54% of abortive women state that they were using contraception when they got pregnant. Planned Parenthood uses contraception for foot traffic; they provide birth control that is not likely to work for these women.[xxii]
But haven’t abortions been going down lately? According to Planned Parenthood’s own annual report, we see that although overall abortions are going down, Planned Parenthood’s share of those abortions is rising dramatically.[xxiii] From their own factsheet[1], in 1997 PP received $165 million from taxpayers and performed 165,174 abortions. In 2009 PP received $363 million from the federal government and performed 324,008 abortions. In almost identical graph lines, for every $1,000,000.00 in taxpayer dollars received, PP performs roughly another 1000 abortions.
*Chart Courtesy Marjorie Dannenfelser, as posted on[xxiv]
In 2001, there were 1,291,000 abortions performed in the United States of which Planned Parenthood performed 16.5% (214,026). As of 2008, the Guttmacher Institute (also pro-choice) reported that abortions nationwide were down to 1,212,400.[xxv] A modest decrease of roughly 6% from 2001. But in spite of the overall decrease, Planned Parenthood performed 324,008 abortions in 2008, an actual increase of 110,000 abortions from 2001, a statistical increase of 52.1% and an increase in PP’s share of all abortions from 16.5% % to 26.72%.
The previous Omnibus Appropriations bill under President Obama allocated $327 million for the Title X Family Planning Program – which provides funding to Planned Parenthood. This is a $44 million increase over the last four years and $710 million was allocated for international family planning/reproductive health which provides funding to organizations such as Planned Parenthood that promote and perform abortion overseas. This marks a massive $270 million increase over the last four years. If PP receives 100 million of the increase, we can expect them to perform another 100,000 abortions in 2011.
3% Adoption Rate
In 2009, Planned Parenthood referred less than 10,000 women for adoption to go with their 324,000 abortions, or about a 3% adoption rate. You have a better chance of having a second child in China than having a child based on a consult with Planned Parenthood.
As a former director of PP points out, promotion extends to coercion: [xxvi]
They will coerce anyone into an abortion… minors are the easiest to sell. We are all good salespeople and that is our job.
In 2008 and 2009, a separate undercover investigation revealed multiple Planned Parenthood employees and doctors telling numerous lies or half truths to sell abortions to undercover investigators.[xxvii] They lie about when the heart starts to beat, about the relative complications of abortion versus having the baby, about pro-life materials being fake and pressure the investigator posing as a young woman considering abortion to have her abortion now, when it is more safe and less costly.[xxviii]
Promotion and coercion also extends into our schools. PP considers itself to be the nation’s largest sex educator reaching over 1.2 million people a year with their programs, and boasting 1.25 million visits per month to their website. This education machine is used to promote abortion.[xxix] They claim to provide “comprehensive” “medically accurate and age-appropriate sex education” but it is not difficult to read between the lines of their materials, such as “What children need to know and when they need to know it:”[xxx]
For 5 year olds:
- the correct names for all body parts, including sex and reproductive organs
- how to talk about their sexual parts without feeling naughty
- that it’s normal to touch one’s sex organs for pleasure[2]
- to seek privacy when touching one’s sex organs for pleasure
- how a “baby” “gets in” and “gets out” of a woman’s body
- that a woman does not have to have a baby unless she wants to
For 5 – 7 year olds:
- that people experience sexual pleasure in a number of different ways
- that everyone has sexual thoughts and fantasies and that having them is normal
- that families are structured in different ways
- the roles and responsibilities of different members of their families
- how to live outside of stereotyped gender roles
- that sexual identity includes sexual orientation
In the 5 -7 year old category “sexual pleasure” is hyperlinked to a page including the following:
- Is Sexual Pleasure Good for Us? Yes. Sexual pleasure can be important to our emotional and physical health and well-being.
A healthy sex life — with or without a partner — has been associated with
- better reproductive and sexual health
- better general health
- better sleep
- reduced stress and tension
- increased self-esteem
- a more youthful appearance
- better fitness
- a longer life
It is unfortunate that many of us have grown up hearing only about the risks and dangers of expressing ourselves sexually. While those risks are real, it is also true that having sex play — with or without a partner — can be a positive and powerful force in our lives. It helps us create connections to other people and it helps us enjoy our world.
So at sometime before your child reaches age 7, PP wants to teach them that no matter what your parents say about sex or “sex play” – it’s good for you! Clearly girls will not get pregnant and have a need for abortion, until they have sex. The unabashed advocacy that children as young as 5 years old engage in sex to so they can live longer clearly promotes contraception and abortion.
For 8-12 year olds:
- how to accept human sexuality and their own sexual feelings as a natural part of life
- that people have sex for pleasure — that it’s not done only to have a baby
- that masturbation is very common — that it is normal to masturbate, but only in private
- they don’t have to feel guilt about masturbating
- what sexually transmitted infections and safer sex are
- how to talk about and practice safer sex
- what rape is
- what sex work is and why it’s dangerous for young women and young men
- the biology of the fertility cycle, how pregnancy happens, and the basics about how a pregnancy develops
- that no one has to become a parent
- that birth control methods — including emergency contraception — can prevent pregnancy
- that 85 out of 100 women who have vaginal intercourse will become pregnant within a year if they do not use birth control
- how to talk about birth control and what some of the methods are
- how to get birth control
- what abortion is
- that women can get pregnant without having sex by using alternative insemination or other fertility treatments
Notice that at 8 children are told twice that they don’t have to have a baby, and then they learn about abortion. I will not even go into the numerous problems parents have when PP comes to their school, such as the 8 year old condom tasting class.[xxxi] Remember also that this type of education is part of what is meant when PP defenders accuse of PP’s critics of depriving the public of the valuable services PP provides. Another “valuable” service is PP’s advice to HIV sufferer’s that they have no obligation to inform their partner’s that they have HIV.[xxxii]
Planned Parenthood openly targets youth. Their Annual Report is worth looking at; for the sheer volume of pictures of children in the report, for the ways in which they spend taxpayer dollars to promote their agenda to children, to lobby against informed consent, to lobby against abstinence education, etc.[xxxiii] It is incredible that PP even attempts to deny that they promote abortion given the slanted advice they offer on their website. It begins like this:[xxxiv]
“…you have a lot to think about. You have three options — abortion, adoption, and parenting.”
Note that abortion is listed first and parenting last. The paragraph concludes with:
“Think about which benefits and risks are most important to you.”
Note that PP advises you to focus on yourself, PP never ever mentions considering the life inside you. But that’s just the beginning, if you check out the “parenting option” here is what you should consider:[xxxv]
Some Things to Ask Yourself If You Are Thinking About Raising a Child
- Am I ready to help a child feel wanted and loved?
- Am I ready to cope with a tighter budget, less time for myself, and more stress?
- Do I have the support of family and friends?
- Am I ready to accept responsibility for all my child’s needs?
- Would I prefer to have a child at another time?
- Is anyone pressuring me to continue or end the pregnancy?
- How do I feel about other women who have children from unplanned pregnancies?
- Can I afford to have a child?
- What would it mean for my future and my family’s future if I had a child now?
- How important is it to me what other people will think about my decision?
- Can I handle the experience of pregnancy and raising a child?
If you are already a parent, ask yourself how bringing another child into your family will affect your other children.
Think about what your answers mean to you. You may want to discuss your answers with your partner, someone in your family, a friend, a trusted religious adviser, or a counselor.
EVERY single consideration regarding parenting is negative towards parenting. PP doesn’t really have positive considerations regarding adoption either, although it doesn’t seem quite as depressing as parenting.[xxxvi]
Some Things to Ask Yourself If You Are Thinking About Adoption
- Am I ready to be a parent?
- Can I afford to be a parent now?
- What would it mean for my future if I had a child now?
- Can I accept not being my child’s primary parent?
- Does adoption feel like what I should do, not what I want to do?
- Would I consider abortion?
- Is someone pressuring me to choose adoption?
- Am I prepared to go through pregnancy and childbirth?
- Will I be able to cope with the feeling of loss that I may have?
- Do I have people in my life who will help me through the pregnancy and adoption process?
- How do I feel about other women who choose to place their children for adoption?
- How important is it to me what other people will think about my decision?
The only thing that can be said in fairness is that on the “abortion” page, there are 5 suggestive questions advocating abortion, 6 neutral questions, and 2 that could advocate against abortion. But the 5 questions advocating for abortion are listed first, and the 2 that advocate against are arguably thrown in simply so they can pretend it is neutral guidance.
Consider next how deceptive they are about the risks of abortion:Id.
Are There Any Long-Term Risks of Abortion?
There are many myths about the risks of abortion. Here are the facts. Abortion does not cause breast cancer. Safe, uncomplicated abortion does not cause problems for future pregnancies such as birth defects, premature birth or low birth weight babies, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or infant death.
Without addressing the questionable accuracy of the breast cancer path, stating “Safe, uncomplicated abortion does not cause problems” is like saying “Safe uncomplicated parachute landings will not cause you physical harm.” It is another blatant persuasion technique, compounded because it is misleading a potential patient about the actual risks of abortion. If they are this coercive in the public domain, imagine what they do behind closed doors when they “counsel” scared young women.
PP’s founder promoted coerced or forced contraception, a former PP director states plainly that they now promote abortion, video shows them deceptively promoting abortion, the stats show them using tax-dollars to increase the number of abortions, and referring less than 3% of women for adoptions, they sexualize and indoctrinate children beginning at age 5 that abortion is just another outcome of pregnancy, and their “choice” aids are deceptively persuasive.
There should be no debate, federal taxpayer dollars should not be used to promote abortion.
In addition to the founder’s views, and Justice Ginsburg’s apparent restatement of those views with regard to abortion, there is additional evidence that Planned Parenthood promotes abortions according to race.
In a 2010 audio tape investigation, many Planned Parenthoods across the country were willing to accept financial donations specifically designated to abort black babies because the caller wanted to reduce the number of black children. Some PP employees even agreed with that purpose, none expressed outrage or refused the donations.[xxxvii] One conversation went like this;
Idaho donor: The abortion—I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose?
PP Rep: Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that your gift be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that the gift was earmarked for that purpose.
Idaho donor: Great, because I really faced trouble with affirmative action, and I don’t want my kids to be disadvantaged against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name.
PP Rep: Yes, absolutely.
Idaho donor: And we don’t, you know we just think, the less black kids out there the better.
PP Rep: Understandable, understandable.
Idaho donor: Right. I want to protect my son, so he can get into college
PP Rep: Alright. Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I’ve had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I’m excited, and want to make sure I don’t leave anything out.
There is also statistical evidence of targeting by race and class. 67-80% (depending on the study) of PP’s clinics are located in poor and minority neighborhoods.[xxxviii] Not coincidentally, while black child-bearing women make up a just 12.8% of the population, they receive 36% of abortions, that is triple what the percentage would be if the number was proportional. More than twice as many black Americans have been aborted since 1973 as have died from the combined total of; heart disease, crime, accidents, cancer and aids.
Also, as noted by Abbey Johnson above, the average cost for an abortion surgery is around $550.00, with a sliding scale discounts for the poor, the young, – and apparently sex criminals as well: If you listen to the first set of videos above, the Washington PP informs the “pimp” that she can probably get discounts for her 14-15 year old non-English speaking sex-workers of about $250, based on income. So the sliding scale discount for pimps appears to around 50%. Why is a major surgery like abortion about the same cost as dental exam? Supply and demand. If the price goes up, the demand goes down. If the price was too high, some of those women in minority neighborhoods might chose adoption or caring for their child versus abortion. This is also why PP’s top priority is securing federal funding for abortions. If that ever happens, the price for an abortion will skyrocket – and you and I will be paying the bill.
There should be no debate, federal taxpayer dollars should not be used to promote abortions by race and class.
Planned Parenthood has been caught red handed numerous times protecting sex-offenders. One example is a June 2008 investigation:[xxxix]
A Bloomington Indiana Planned Parenthood employee coaches an investigator posing as 13 year old girl impregnated by 31 year old man to lie about the father’s age, and cover up felony statutory rape. Discovery of statutory rape must be reported in Indiana. The same scenario is repeated in Indianapolis, IN, Tucson, AR, Phoenix, AZ , Birmingham, AL, Memphis TN, Milwaukee WI, and Louisville, KY. That is 8 clinics in 6 states assisting a 13-15 year old girl to get an abortion, and/or lie about the age of their abuser to protect him, and where applicable, how to get around parental consent . In 2008, PP made the same arguments they make now that these were a few bad apples, that the tapes were edited, that they would re-train their workers, etc.
And in civil and criminal legal actions against PP, between 1998 – 2009, at least six lawsuits were filed against Planned Parenthood for failing to report rape and sexual abuse of minors, allowing the rapist to continue to abuse the children. The cases were in Santa Clara CA, San Francisco CA, Phoenix AR, West Hartford CT, 2 in Cincinnati OH. Just last week, one of the few Prosecutors brave enough to file charges against PP testified to his findings:[xl]
Kline revealed in his sworn testimony that his investigation of the KS abortion industry found 166 cases of abortions performed on girls age 14 and younger by Planned Parenthood in Overland Park and George Tiller in Wichita. Each abortionist reported only one case to the authorities, leaving 164 unreported cases of statutory rape between the two abortion clinics:
There should be no debate, federal taxpayer dollars should not be used to assist in the cover up of statutory rape.
PPS frauds and felonies in service of this twisted ideology must be stopped.
Recent video investigations have shown that that Planned Parenthood is “disturbingly eager to facilitate the sexual exploitation of children forced into prostitution.”[xli]
Add to this the evidence that Planned Parenthood is disturbingly eager to facilitate the sexual exploitation of minors forced into sexual relationships.
Add to this the evidence that PP is disturbingly eager to promote abortions for the purpose of racial and class eugenics.
Add to this the evidence that PP is disturbingly eager to promote abortions generally, and promote abortion specifically to children, beginning at age 5.
It seems difficult to comprehend how this could be so? Wouldn’t it just be easier to believe the rationalizations of Planned Parenthood than to accept what is before our eyes? Yet, it is unavoidable that what is happening is merely a modified version of Planned Parenthood’s founder’s vision. Margret Sanger was very clear and unambiguous that certain people should not be procreating – 1) most non-whites, 2) weak and feeble minded 3) diseased or sickly, 4) prostitutes, and 5) women under 22 to name a few.[xlii] It must be remembered that Sanger didn’t pretend to posit her ideology for profit or merely for women’s rights – she felt that preventing these pregnancies was crucial to the survival of the American Race and civilization as a whole. To her “the greatest sin” was to bring the wrong kids of babies into the world. It therefore follows that even as disturbing as child rape is, the real sin would be allowing the fruit of that rape to come into the world. As disturbing as promoting and coercing black people, or poor people, or young people, or sick people into having abortions may be, the real sin would be populating the world with their offspring.
Planned Parenthood’s actions are so horrific only because the foundation for their worldview, their ideology, their religion is simply that horrific. And they are aware of the need to hide the truth because most of the world sees their ideology in this way. Their entire world then becomes a fraud in the service of their ideology. The only way to serve their ideology is to mask their ideology as something completely different than what it is, something people will accept. They have not, nor will they in the future blink at committing more frauds and felonies in the service of that ideology.
PP took Sanger’s vision and corrupted the already corrupt by promoting abortion, by sexualizing young children, by shameless distortions of healthy sexuality, by seeking profit over providing “choice,” and by promoting abortions no matter what law is broken and no matter what suffering and abuse they facilitate.
Once PP took that leap of active eugenics versus preventative eugenics, it became apparent that abortions are more profitable than handing out free condoms. So they promote and coerce abortion because it is not only good for society, but profitable. After all, the more money PP makes, the more its ideology can be implemented and spread.[3] Thus profit is a motive, but merely in service to ideology.
It is no surprise that Planned Parenthood would not shy away from stealing in service of their ideology. Last year, dozens of Planned Parenthood centers were caught in Los Angeles defrauding the taxpayers to the tune of $180 million dollars by overcharging the government for birth control pills.[xliii] This is just one city and there is a suspected massive pattern of overbilling in other states.[xliv] If this fraud is as systemic as it is believed to be, then PP is stealing billions from the taxpayers.[4]
Now is the time to Act! What can be done?
The problem is that even though these facts about Planned Parenthood are there for anyone to see, very few have taking the time to look. Many are looking now because of the serious criminal propensities demonstrated in the most recent investigation and Congress has voted to defund Planned Parenthood. So NOW is the time to act. But Planned Parenthood and their supporters are succeeding in their false defenses and excuses. If the public and the decision makers know all the facts, then these defenses and excuses will fail.
The solution is to create mass awareness of the facts about Planned Parenthood. Take this information and get it into the hands of as many people as you can. Conservative friends, liberal friends, everyone you know. If you yourself have contacts or your friends have contacts with Congressman, Senators, or those in the media – get this information in their hands and request they actually read it. Conservative congressmen and women need ammunition to make a stand on the insanity of hundreds of millions of tax dollars going to this organization. Moderate congressmen and women need this information so they are not pressured by the false defenses and excuses of Planned Parenthood and its allies. Liberal congressman and women need to know exactly what it is they are defending.
If you’re associated with Tea Parties, or local political groups, get this information distributed to your members.
If you spend time on the internet, post this information wherever you see Planned Parenthood being falsely defended. I have posted nearly this entire summary, so that anyone can read it on the internet, at:
It’s a simple matter of getting the truth out there. If we don’t, tax payer funding of this horrific organization and in service of this horrific ideology – will continue to increase.
Special thanks to Lila Rose and her team at, Mark Crutcher and his team at, and Abbey Johnson for their groundbreaking and brave work in bringing the truth about Planned Parenthood into the light.
Special thanks to contributors, Ben Howe , Jerome Hudson, TNJim, Marjorie Dannenfelser, “Heartlander,” and “Lineholder,” for ideas, content and citations.
[1] There is evidence including undercover video evidence, that PP significantly under-reports the number of abortions it performs, but their numbers are the best available,
[2] Planned Parenthood’s public push to have kindergartners touching themselves for pleasure is another area in which they sharply diverge from their founder, not to mention just about every parent, religious institution and sane medical provider on the planet. Sanger was very strong in her position.(Endnote: XI)
In my experience as a trained nurse while attending persons afflicted with various and often revolting diseases, no matter what their ailments, I have never found any one so repulsive as the chronic masturbator. It would be difficult not to fill page upon page of heartrending confessions made by young girls, whose lives were blighted by this pernicious habit, always begun so innocently, for even after they have ceased the habit, they find themselves incapable of any relief in the natural act. […] Perhaps the greatest physical danger to the chronic masturbator is the inability to perform the sexual act naturally
In the boy or girl past puberty, we find one of the most dangerous forms of masturbation, i.e., mental masturbation, which consists of forming mental pictures, or thinking obscene or voluptuous pictures. This form is considered especially harmful to the brain, for the habit becomes so fixed that it is almost impossible to free the thoughts from lustful pictures.
[3] Thus when President Obama lifted the “Mexico City Policy” within days of taking office, the results were almost immediate. Planned Parenthood bragged in their 2010 Annual Report (Infra.) that they were able to spend 55million in taxpayer dollars promoting their ideology in foreign countries.
[4] The funds being defrauded, are from Medicaid reimbursements, which is separate from and in addition to the designated Federal funding at issue.
[i] I would like to credit Dan Collins for the title phrase as I got the idea from his blog.
[vii] Margaret Sanger (editor). The Woman Rebel, Volume I, Number 1. Reprinted in Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers,1922
[viii] Margaret Sanger (editor). The Woman Rebel, Volume I, Number 1. Reprinted in Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers, 1922.
[ix] Margaret Sanger. Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.
[x] Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon’s Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.
[xi] Margaret Sanger, April 1933 Birth Control Review.
[xii] Margaret Sanger. “The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda.” Birth Control Review, October 1921, page 5.
[xiii] Margaret Sanger, quoted in Charles Valenza. “Was Margaret Sanger a Racist?” Family Planning Perspectives, January-February 1985, page 44.
[xiv] Margaret Sanger. Speech quoted in Birth Control: What It Is, How It Works, What It Will Do. The Proceedings of the First American Birth Control Conference. Held at the Hotel Plaza, New York City, November 11-12, 1921. Published by the Birth Control Review, Gothic Press, pages 172 and 174
[xvii] Sanger, Margaret (1938). Margaret Sanger, An Autobiography. New York: W. W. Norton. p. 217.
[xli] Editors, The National Review, “The Week”, 3/07/2011, p. 8.
[xlii] Margaret Sanger, Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers, 1922. Chapter 7, p. 85.