The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has backed a lower court’s decision to deem North Dakota’s heartbeat abortion ban unconstitutional, the Associated...
Since when did the editorial board of the top consumer paper in the nation resort to sounding like an angry teenager in...
Louisiana Gov. and presidential candidate Bobby Jindal earned some additional goodwill from pro-lifers by immediately ordering an in-depth investigation into whether his...
You may recall that over the years, Live Action has covered interviews with late-term abortionist Willie Parker in Esquire, the Washington Post,...
Americans deserve to know whether an organization that receives millions of their tax dollars every year is breaking federal laws against selling...
Despite admitting he has not yet watched the footage released by the Center for Medical Progress of Planned Parenthood officials discussing the...
Tennessee Congresswoman Diane Black has introduced HR 3134, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015. This bill would impose a year-long moratorium...
The Indiana Health Department has decided not to renew the operating license of abortionist Ulrich Klopfer’s South Bend clinic, the Associated Press...
If you came in during the middle of the discussion, you would probably think they were talking about peanut butter. Some people...
One of the most dispiriting things about being a pro-life activist is not so much the daily reminders of abortion’s depravity, but...
A Fox News senior political analyst has responded to the first undercover video from the citizen investigation into Planned Parenthood, led by...
Planned Parenthood will soon perform abortions at their Columbia, Missouri location, Life News reports, joining Planned Parenthood of St. Louis to become...
A black religious leader used the annual NAACP convention last week in Philadelphia as an opportunity to protest the civil rights organization’s...
The video of Planned Parenthood director Deborah Nucatola discussing the sale of fetal body parts while casually eating lunch may have dealt...