On Monday, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker made his bid for the Republican presidential nomination official. His rousing announcement speech on the need...
While Congress seeks answers for Planned Parenthood’s apparent sale of aborted baby parts in an undercover video, the Washington Examiner reports that...
As you’ve probably heard by now, Planned Parenthood knows how to diversify. In addition to being America’s largest abortion chain, it’s also...
The culture of death has invaded England, and London in particular. A tragic new study has found that over 30% of all...
After the release of the video of Planned Parenthood’s senior medical director, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, discussing harvesting baby parts, Planned Parenthood made a statement attempting...
Despite calls to do so by state Republican lawmakers, the Washington Post reports that Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe opposes investigating Planned Parenthood...
The Family Research Council has announced a prayer vigil on Friday in protest of a new Planned Parenthood abortion center in Washington,...
The American Civil Liberties Union is suing Alabama over its 2013 law requiring abortion clinics to have hospital admitting privileges, Life News...
The man behind an undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood says the abortion giant is “absolutely” engaged in the illegal trafficking of fetal...
Following the group’s first video revealing a top Planned Parenthood official discussing the sale of aborted fetal body parts, Center for Medical...
In a video released today, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards defended the “tissue donation programs” of Planned Parenthood as lifesaving and compassionate. The only apology...
On Wednesday morning, the pro-life organizations Created Equal and Christian Defense Coalition joined forces to demonstrate outside the office of House Speaker...
As noted yesterday, GOP leadership has canceled a vote on a bill to make commemorative coins raising money for breast cancer research...
Surely, I can’t conceive of any other option besides smashing a child from the legs up, ripping out its liver, selling it to a...