Life News reports that the website (archived link) for research tissue provider StemExpress has gone offline following mention of the company in...
Republican Congresswoman Diane Black of Tennessee has joined the growing number of voices calling for Planned Parenthood to lose its taxpayer funding...
A Texas woman’s refusal to abort may be the motivation for her murder, Fox News 29 San Antonio reports. Samantha Dean was...
The nation has been rocked by the new undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress, which showed a Planned Parenthood...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott was the second governor Tuesday to announce his state is launching an investigation into Planned Parenthood. This announcement...
In the latest chapter of the never-ending quest to put a happy face on abortion, ThinkProgress’s Tara Culp-Ressler writes that a new...
Recent reports about pro-abortion group Women on Waves sending abortion pills to Poland with a drone has sparked insistence by pro-abortion publication Jezebel...
Over the weekend, retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson broke ranks with his fellow pro-lifers by telling the liberal...
This weekend, the Pro-Life Action League began its annual Face the Truth Tour, the group announced on Facebook. Running from July 10...
To the abortion lobby, there is no bigger sin a doctor can commit than having the audacity to be pro-life. Never mind...
We all want to do our jobs to the best of our ability. The same is true for pro-choice OB/GYNs. And as...
A nurse practitioner is suing her former workplace, a Planned Parenthood clinic in Chula Vista, California, after being terminated from her job. She...
Speaking of BuzzFeed…you may have noticed that last week, editor-in-chief Ben Smith caused a stir when he declared that the website’s official...
Laying on the cold floor, my cheeks wet with tears, my world seemed to be falling apart. I felt like I was...