Last Wednesday, we took a look at the alleged inconsistency between recognizing religious pro-lifers’ right to abstain from participating in abortion but...
Abortion in itself is tragic enough, but the penchant for people to use dead babies for such ventures as cosmetic development is...
When news broke that the House voted to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, it was inevitable that pro-abortion extremists would...
Roe v. Wade’s centrality to the abortion debate gives most pro-lifers an acute awareness of how our Constitution is abused and ignored in...
Pro-lifers have reason to celebrate, as the House has finally passed the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, with a vote of...
On April 30, Cassy Fiano told you about the Satanic Temple’s move to challenge Missouri’s 72-hour waiting period for abortion on the...
Most people spend Mother’s Day being thankful for the mothers in their life. Most people aren’t pro-abortion extremists, though. And one such...
An ad campaign in the nation of Chile is taking despicable to a new level. Attempting to use satire to criticize that...
Last month, Kansas became the first state in the country to ban dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortions, in which a preborn baby...
It’s understandable that pro-abortion fanatics would be big fans of Planned Parenthood. Why shouldn’t they be? Planned Parenthood is the largest provider...
Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed into law Wednesday a bill that makes Oklahoma the fourth state in the nation to require a...
He calls his blog Wrestling with Discipleship, and claims to be a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Indeed, he actually...
Last week’s shocking story of a mom who paid $25,000 to kill her 8-month-old disabled preborn baby is, perhaps, one of the...
A story on Yahoo! Parenting tells of a woman who chose to have an abortion at 36 weeks, believing it was the right...