Powerful images of preborn babies in the womb who wince and grimace when their moms light up cigarettes are making headlines across...
On Monday, we began dismantling a NARAL report jam-packed with vicious lies about crisis pregnancy centers and the work they do helping...
Pro-life parents may wonder how to instill pro-life values into their children in an easy to understand and age-appropriate way – and...
As you’re reading this, somewhere another helping hand is being extended to another pregnant woman. Somewhere she’s discovering that she has more options than...
Starr Rogers’ story is a reminder that redemption and healing are possible, even when devastation comes from a person’s own choices. After...
Planned Parenthood is playing abortion politics once again on Capitol Hill – this time, maneuvering pawns across the Senate floor in a...
Sometimes the “right to choose” is exercised in ways that make abortion champions queasy. The reality of aborting baby girls specifically for...
Jacob and Bekah Rush were having a rough summer. Job losses, new moves, family crises had them feeling defeated. But then, happy...
Legal precedent holds that a decision to obtain an abortion must be “free, independent, voluntary, and non-coerced.” This is basic to the...
Three years ago, my life was changed forever. My son, Wyatt, was diagnosed with Down syndrome after I underwent an amniocentesis. It...
One of the great things about moving to a small town is that people start to recognize you. One of the not...
Score another legal victory for the good guys! You may recall the case of former Congressman Steve Driehaus, an Ohio Democrat who...
Considering abortion, a woman is likely more concerned with immediate fears for her livelihood than possible complications from the “simple procedure.” Everything...
Despite their almost unbelievably tiny size, preborn human beings are still exactly that – human beings. Size truly doesn’t matter when it comes to...