Abortion clinics operate every day in the United States, suctioning and tearing preborn babies out of their mother’s wombs. What happens to...
Peaceful pro-life protestors were attacked on public property on Feb. 4th when a raging man swore at them to leave and stole...
Having earned the enmity of pro-lifers everywhere by torpedoing the House vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act at the worst possible time,...
A baby boy who survived abortion by induced labor is now being dubbed a “little miracle” by the judge who handed him over to...
Bonding over abortion is the heart and soul of the new film Grandma, starring Lily Tomlin, which is receiving buzz after when...
One of the biggest surprises in store for anyone new to politics is how many prominent Democrats began their careers as ardent pro-lifers...
There’s a saying about inmates running the asylum that translates well to Planned Parenthood. The abortion giant’s latest stunt involves another inbred...
Senator Lindsey Graham is on a roll, and not in a good way. Just days after announcing his willingness to make the Pain-Capable Unborn...
How young is too young for kids to debate abortion? Edmond, Oklahoma is grappling with the question after some students came home with a...
Bill Mefford, director of civil and human rights at the UMC’s Washington office, used the March for Life last week to mock...
The events of this year’s March for Life week have been particularly illuminating for the state of America’s abortion conflict. On Tuesday,...
Perhaps the most astounding aspect of the shoddy care of abortion clinics is the claim they all make to provide quality health...
Yesterday, I visited my mom and we watched a popular talk show. In the middle of the show, a breaking news update flashed on...
Last week was not great for Amanda Marcotte’s image. The day after bemoaning the prospect of “forcing” Down syndrome kids on their...