Losing hurts. Wanting something to happen so badly you can’t imagine a world where it doesn’t only sets you up for demoralization,...
Over the last 23 years, the number of surgical abortion mills operating in the United States has drastically decreased from 2,176 (in...
Pro-aborts periodically take time off from hating religion to remind those of us nutty enough to think God values the children He creates that they’ve...
What do pregnant women need? Not support, or resources, or a safe clinic to go to. Apparently, all us ladies want only...
Last month, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) released a Committee Opinion entitled “Increasing Access to Abortion.” In the opinion,...
The Reverend Harry Knox insists that pro-lifers are the wolves in sheep’s clothing Jesus warned about, and that we bear false witness....
Images shape dialogue, and dialogue births change. Photographs that capture the Great Depression, the Holocaust, and the Civil Rights Movement are not...
It’s been almost twenty years since O.J. Simpson was acquitted of murder. In what was called “the trial of the century,” a...
People with disabilities are not often valued in our society. They’re demeaned as burdens or drains on taxpayers. And heaven forbid if...
How do abortionists describe preborn children and the violent abortion procedures they perform on them? A video has gone viral that exposes...
Antagonism towards pro-lifers from the abortion lobby is nothing new. Andrew Cuomo notoriously said that pro-lifers are not welcome in the state...
Suddenly there’s no room at the inn when Planned Parenthood is next door. A pro-life pregnancy center in Vacaville, CA is the...
For many pro-lifers, the high number of babies with Down syndrome aborted purely for having an extra chromosome is not new information....
Data from the CDC reveals horrifying abortion numbers from New York City. The city already boasts of one of the highest abortion rates in...