On Wednesday, Wendy Davis celebrated the one-year anniversary of filibustering Texas’ headlining pro-life law from the 2013 legislative session by throwing a...
As a country with a complex tale, Russia has shaken its fist at global powers and held the Iron Curtain in the face of the...
The Presbyterian Church USA General Assembly made a lot of headlines when they voted to bless same-sex marriages. But Wesley J. Smith...
Monday will dawn with more hope for the unborn in Alabama, where the only abortion clinic in the northern region of the...
The California Department of Health Care Services will increase funding for abortion by 40 percent in an effort to provide women “greater choice in...
For all pro-lifers have done to debunk the “bodily autonomy” argument for abortion—the idea that abortion is merely exercising a pregnant woman’s...
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul vowed on Friday to defend the unborn and oppose abortion for the rest of his political career. Addressing...
The U.S. Supreme Court is poised to rule soon on challenges to the birth control mandate under the Affordable Care Act. The challenges filed...
California Planned Parenthood affiliates launched an alert to members of the state legislature, urging lawmakers to kill all pro-life measures, including amendments...
Andrew Lampart, an 18-year-old high school student, was trying to do some research for an upcoming class debate on gun control. When...
Pro-aborts know all too well that repeating a lie at every possible opportunity is the key to passing it off as truth,...
So who’s up for an “abortion comedy”? The just-released Obvious Child, about a woman seeking an abortion after a one-night stand, bills...
After a conference in Toronto this month, Melinda Gates wrote on the Foundation’s website that because of the controversy around the topic, “the Gates Foundation has...
Local news in Corpus Christi, TX reports that the sole abortion provider in the city has decided to retire and close his...