Yesterday, California Governor Edmund Brown, Jr signed into law legislation that would allow non-physicians to perform abortions. After being passed in the...
Since October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Jane Brody wrote a piece for the New York Times detailing advancements in prenatal testing....
What does the world of romance need in it? Well, more abortion, of course! Take literature, for example. Many romance novels end...
Despite the incredible number of medical advances which have enriched and extended the lives of people with Down syndrome, Trisomy 21 continues...
Dave Andrusko at National Right to Life News spotlighted this heartbreaking video from LifeSiteNews. The video was published about a year ago,...
Students for Life of America or (SFLA) is a national pro-life organization dedicated to training and equipping high school, college, medical school,...
Earlier this month, I sat in a Denver, CO conference room eager to hear former Senator Rick Santorum speak. Santorum was an...
Four of the most notorious late-term abortionists in the United States — LeRoy Carhart, Warren Hern, Shelly Sella, and Susan Robinson —...
Breaking news today that absolutely no one could be surprised by: pro-abortion darling Wendy Davis will, indeed, be running for governor of...
Brandon Kagel was born into a Jewish family as a triplet with two sisters and an older brother. This Phoenix, Arizona native is...
Abortion as birth control isn’t a very popular subject. Abortion advocates don’t like to bring up the idea of women using abortion...
Abortion advocates are salivating over the darling of the Sundance Film Festival, pro-abortion film After Tiller. The film follows Shelly Sella, Warren...
Live Action has showed that the abortion industry will happily cover up crimes such as statutory rape and child sex-trafficking. Pro-aborts have...
Yesterday was the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Pro-life Americans were invited to join prayer vigils at gravesites for the...