A profile in courage for the abortion industry.
Think this will change the abortion industry's approach in counseling vulnerable women?
The callous and unfeeling abortion industry continues to endanger women across the country.
For people in this business (and it is foremost a business), money always comes first.
Just one symptom of a bigger disease.
All life is sacred! Well...almost all life.
The pro-life movement knows this already, but not everyone else does.
It's easy to forget that two people made that baby.
Let's think about when it's okay to kill a baby in the womb.
Senators use intimidation, falsehoods, and mockery to get their way.
Attacks on religious freedom are by no means restricted to the United States.
Who is more pro-woman, again?
Further proof that abortion, no matter how legal, is not safe.
Turns out abortionists don't get an exemption from court costs.