Encouraging the worst in society.
Steps in the right direction.
As a pre-abortion counselor, I occasionally had a pregnant mother ask me to come visit her in the recovery room once it...
From forced abortions to really forced abortions, the concept of "choice" as told by abortion advocates is not as simple as it...
What gives anyone the right to decide whose life is worth living and whose isn't?
There's definitely some good here!
The Constitution does not provide an unconditional right to life to any person. Pro-choice hysteria to that effect is unfounded.
I had been looking forward to my post-abortion healing retreat weekend for months. Years, in fact. The grief and crushing guilt after...
Portugal may join the ranks of pro-life nations like Ireland and Hungary with its latest pro-life constitutional initiative, but widespread international pressure...
Much enthusiasm is devoted to issues of health, environmental stewardship, and human rights at the United Nations. But for many officials at...
Yes is a simple word. It’s a word we use to address a plethora of questions. Who can remember every “yes” told...
The abortion crowd has so much invested in the narrative that pro-lifers are bullies that finding an actual example of pro-life misbehavior...
President Barack Obama, the most pro-abortion president in our country’s history, has come out with a new video just in time to...
Not every case can be a winner. In Oklahoma, District Judge Bryan Dixon has invalidated the state’s law requiring abortionists to show...