I’ve written before about the horrible practice of “toin coss” abortions, where one healthy twin is aborted because (for whatever unacceptable reason)...
One of the great philosophical divisions of our time is between those who believe progress is steadily making mankind happier, healthier, and...
I wrote earlier this week about how U.S. taxpayers are being forced to foot the bill to fund pro-abortion groups overseas to...
Despite a temporary restraining order, twelve nurses of New Jersey’s University of Medicine and Dentistry who were almost forced to participate in...
Efforts by the watchdog group Judicial Watch to demand that Justice Elena Kagan recuse herself when the Affordable Care Act (Health Care...
From a pro-life United Nations watchdog blog: Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) introduced an amendment today that will prohibit U.S. foreign assistance from...
The failure of the Mississippi personhood amendment is disappointing but not surprising—the public’s general confusion on abortion, mixed messages from MI Governor...
We have to remember an important point about laws legalizing abortion: they are not set in stone. America had pro-life laws for...
According to an online search at the Kentucky Registration of Election Finance, the two abortionists who are the principle officers of Louisville’s...
On October 22nd, Jewels Green wrote a great article offering a compelling personal story illuminating why true pro-lifers don’t use violence to...
That’s the unexpected question many are asking this week in the wake of some contradictory comments made by the veteran businessman and...
Planned Parenthood is notorious for priding themselves as a “reproductive health care” organization that advocates for women’s rights and choices. However, when...
Planned Parenthood recently wrote on Facebook: “Putting restrictions on abortion care does not reduce the need for care.” But what Planned Parenthood...
Abortion advocates like Planned Parenthood are all about empowering women to make “informed and responsible choices” about serious medical procedures, right? Mandatory...