A newborn baby girl abandoned in Russia on a frigid night of -4 degrees Fahrenheit was saved by two teenage boys who...
An Oklahoma lawmaker has introduced a bill that will require information to be given to abortion-minded women about resources and programs that...
The University of Massachusetts (UMass) Amherst will make abortions available to students through university health centers next fall, according to a story...
A ballot drive has been launched in the state of Michigan to enshrine the so-called right to abortion in the state constitution....
The abortion industry touts the abortion pill as simple and safe ‘health care,’ but something that directly and intentionally kills a living...
Florida Senator Kelli Stargel filed a bill on Tuesday that would restrict abortion in the state to the first 15 weeks of...
UPDATE, 1/14/22: Just three days after the bill’s final passage, Governor Phil Murphy signed the Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act into law....
Israel law currently requires women seeking abortions to obtain permission from a committee consisting of three representatives from the hospital or abortion...
On January 5, the first day of the 2022 legislative session, Nebraska Senator Julie Slama introduced LB781, a bill that would restrict...
An op-ed in the Los Angeles Times written by Wendy Z Goldman, “What the U.S. can learn from Stalin’s abortion ban,” is a...
A new report by Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) Institute of Pro-Life Advancement is exposing Christian and Catholic colleges that promote...
A Texas urologist is reporting a 15% uptick in vasectomies, according to the Washington Post. The surprising reason, the urologist says, is...
A former middle school principal in Indiana has been arrested for allegedly seducing and impregnating a minor student whom he later took...
CNN’s recent article, “Life can be tough for kids in many anti-abortion states,” tries to suggest that pro-life states are harming children...