There are many abortion methods, most of which pro-lifers are familiar with already; but one method that doesn’t often get much notice...
The truth is a powerful thing. This is why the abortion industry lies so much; because they know that if Americans become educated...
A former Planned Parenthood abortion counselor talked with Catholic Answer’s Patrick Coffin about why she left America’s largest abortion chain.
On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 245-182 to pass legislation that would guarantee hospitals, religious groups and individuals conscience rights...
On Tuesday, Texas Senator and former Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz called for an end to the brutal treatment of preborn children...
After grassroots pro-lifers delivered nearly five times the required 100,000 petition signatures, the Polish Parliament could now begin work on a bill to...
Parents have the right to make medical decisions for their children. That is the case for virtually all medical procedures, whether it’s...
On Tuesday, the House Appropriations Committee approved the State, Foreign Operations Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2017. The Congressional Pro-Life Caucus informs...
(PregnancyHelpNews) — Laying on the cold floor, my cheeks wet with tears, my world seemed to be falling apart.
Representing area abortionists, the American Civil Liberties Union has gone to court seeking to block the implementation of Alabama’s recently-enacted law banning...
A Missouri Senate committee released a disturbing report on Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region (PPSLR) and its practices of disposing...
There has been much speculation regarding who Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick will be. Many names have been tossed around as possibilities,...
Oklahoma Governor and 2016 Republican Platform Committee co-chair Mary Fallin said over the weekend that the GOP’s platform will “remain pro-life” despite...
Since the time of Susan B. Anthony, pro-life feminists have argued that abortion allows men to use women for sex. Abortions lets...