We all know Brittany Maynard’s story by now. The beautiful 29-year-old seemingly had it all, until she was diagnosed with Stage IV...
In 2002, the government of Belgium formed the Federal Evaluation and Control Commission for Euthanasia. Last week, they announced that seven of the seats...
In a heartbreaking final step, California’s Governor Jerry Brown signed an assisted suicide bill into law. California is now the fifth state...
Maggie Karner, the woman who sent a video to Brittany Maynard, the assisted-suicide supporter who took her own life, has died from the same cancer...
On World Suicide Prevention Day, the California Assembly approved a state assisted-suicide bill, which is expected to pass the California Senate. If...
18 months before Bob Cole died, his wife Ann had been euthanized at Dignitas in Switzerland. An avid assisted suicide advocate, Cole...
John Jay Hooker is a familiar name in the state of Tennessee. Until recently he had been described in a tongue and...
We recently saw some bad news come out of the California Assembly, with the passage of of a bill requiring pregnancy centers...
It would seem fairly obvious that if people are going to advocate for assisted suicide, those who are mentally ill should be...
Who would benefit most from the legalization of euthanasia? Without question, it’s people like Robert Latimer. Latimer, a Canadian from Saskatchewan, murdered...
The day has come and the door has now been opened for doctor assisted suicide to become a reality in Canada. In...
A new PBS documentary glowingly features euthanasia in Belgium, including one performed on video by Dr. Marc Van Hoey, one of the...
Last month, 29-year-old cancer patient Brittany Maynard ignited the debate on assisted suicide when she vowed to kill herself on November 1,...
Last month, the issue of assisted suicide and euthanasia was forced into front-page news when Brittany Maynard, a beautiful newlywed diagnosed with brain...